Curly Jefferson

Just Wiki'd it. Wow. The fact that I hadn't heard of it until now makes it that much sadder.

Timeline? Didn't he make something after that? Too lazy to look it up. Okay…took a 5 hour energy and looked it up. Apparently he did 16 Blocks, which was a faceless Bruce Willis cop movie co-starring Mos Def. Hm. Learn something new every day.

Let's not forget Hill directed the pilot for Deadwood. He won a couple of awards for his work on that show.

I'm not convinced Hill ever lost it, at least not as much as the other two. I think he just slowed down considerably. But then I never saw Broken Trail. Was it any good?

Anyone mind telling me what Budd Dwyer is? I'm out of the loop and now too scared to google it.

I thought it was amazing that they managed to combine every indistinguishable Statham movie with every indistinguishable Owen movie.

Can't wait. This, Take Shelter and Kiki Dunst's nude scenes in Melancholia make me think 2011 might have some good films after all.

Mira in Barcelona…hottest woman in a '90s film?

I thought it was really deep when I saw it. I was 13.

Uh, NO, Whole Foods is where WE shop. Super Wal Mart is where the OTHERS shop, ergo, we make fun of Super Wal Mart. Please try to keep up.

I'd like to see the Max Fischer Players do this scene.

It's not that hard to believe. "I made Traffic." Boom, everyone's on board. No one really remembers Traffic that well, they just know it had lots of actors, did well and won Oscars.

Ready for my American Tabloid miniseries, plzkthx

I forgot about that sitcom. Holy crap. And yes, all I remember is the jokes being bad, the daughter being crazy hot, and my roommate still doing Rapaport impressions for a good month after it had gone off the air.

It screams "put me next to the register as an impulse buy at Crabtree & Evelyn!"

I feel like he's used the same cover for all his solo albums, even though I know he hasn't. They all just feel the same, and not in a good way.

To be fair, it's not imperative that you know who he is to get the joke, but it does make it funnier. But I'd like to hear your Felder material. That guy's solo album is '80s cheese rock at its best.

He's avoided answering that question in the press, so at the very least I imagine he was ticked that Maron put him on the spot like that. It was kind of an uncool thing for Maron to do, in my opinion. If he was a journalist, I think he absolutely should ask him that, but he's just another comedian talking about

Aisha Tyler with Paul F Tompkins was great. Is this one y'all covered and I missed it? Either way, good stuff, maybe better than Maron's podcast with Tompkins because there wasn't any of that "let's get the bad blood out of the way" talk. Just friends discussing life and the uncertainty, frustration and pressure that

Damn, you're probably right. My memory sucks, but that sounds reasonable.