Curly Jefferson

Yeah, I got the feeling Sudeikis was like, "sure buddy, why wouldn't we be good?" but inside Maron's on his shit list.

I was at the gym in the middle of push-ups when Adam said "yes, I fucked my own sister" and Harris said "oh! I just put that together!" I collapsed with laughter. I probably looked like an insane person.

It's definitely not something they should do every time, but it was a fun one-off.

Yeah, there are people who just suck at their jobs for sure. Most of the time they are new. Something like waiting tables or almost any sit-down restaurant job is very hard at first, as you get overwhelmed extremely quickly and almost any restaurant is going to get slammed at some point on a nightly basis. It

I thought it was better for the fact that it was sort of a send up of the usual character bits. Some of those character bits can be pretty terrible, regardless of whatever professional training the actor has received.

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus But the point is that it would have been easier to buy Anna Paquin as a virgin in 2005 when she filmed it and was still able to pull off those roles, but in 2011, it's a little harder to swallow. Speaking of swallow, "put me in your mouth" is Jeff Daniels' best line in

Yeah, I guess when this was made it was on the tail of her roles in Squid and the Whale and 25th Hour where she was playing a cute and slightly sexy but still vaguely innocent lolita of sorts. Now it's sort of weird to picture her not getting it constantly.

Anna Paquin is also slighty less hot than she is now. Seriously, Damon looks Talented Mr Ripley skinny.

Sudeikis. January Jones question. Sucked the air out of the room. I felt panicked for both of them. Yikes.

If you don't trust Louis at this point to know that he knows what he's doing, I don't know what to tell you.

I agree. I actually feel like some not so great episodes have gotten good grades here, but this is what a truly great CBB episode sounds like.

Laughed a lot at the Bang Bang ep, though the nerd in me was momentarily frustrated that no one ever mentioned the fact that Pinewood Derby cars are made BY the Cub Scouts. So a company that made them would be worthless, unless it was maybe a black market deal. Thought it would have made for an even funnier bit of

I think his point was that YES your spirit gets crushed early, but it happens to everyone, or should at least. You're not too good for it, you're just right for it, even if it sucks to admit that. It's a necessary part of your development as an independent person, and you should do it well and use that skill to move

Yeah, there's some interview out there where Louie talks about how much he hates unnatural, unorganic, expository dialogue. He got the "niece" thing in there eventually, without crowbar-ing it in. Plus, didn't the mom have red hair? I think there were enough clues to connect the dots. At least, it was where my mind

I think it was clear a line was crossed there, though. She's a tough kid and could take it, but they both knew he shouldn't have gone there.

It's being made into an HBO miniseries which he's scripting, so he's actually going to have to add stuff to pad out the book for the series.

I remember way back in the late '90s or early '00s reading that it had been optioned as a potential reteaming of Damon and Affleck (meaning they would write the script, and I think Affleck would play the main role). Obviously that never came to pass, but I wonder how far it got.

The Wishbones is worth checking out too. It's light, but it's a hilarious book and would be great for a long flight or a beach read. Really surprised it hasn't been made into a movie. Bad Haircut is still his best, as far as I'm concerned. Looking forward to this one, though.

Great deleted scene: Foster and Gibson in bed, Foster has her legs spread, the puppet comes into frame, just between the legs and says "I will civilize this land!" Cut to end credits.

He's actually American and didn't move to Australia until he was 12. [/nitpicking]