Curly Jefferson

Word on the street is that he skipped out on Daily Show because he was reportedly promised the host seat after Kilborn left. What a different show we would have if that had actually been the case.

I recall them having it from the same season, but I didn't think they'd put the new one up the next day, more like a week or two later.

There was a Civil War documentary recently produced by Ridley and Tony Scott. I saw parts of it. It was okay. Lots of CGI maps and things. Kinda hard to improve on Ken Burns and Shelby Foote.

Most shocking is that people still live in Cleveland.

Pawn Stars, American Pickers, that other spin off show about the guy who does restoration…nice to have a show that actually deals with history. (admittedly, I get a kick out of those shows too)

You can't smoke in your car in California if there are minors in the car with you. There are also cities that have banned smoking in condos/apartments.

It's made up for by the fact that he's married to Gwen Stefani who is a total babe (trying to keep it '90s, guys).

Local H was great. But I liked a lot of Toadies stuff too. So sue me.

I could be wrong, but I remember at the time hearing that Williamson had to rewrite the ending because the original screenplay had leaked online. That could explain why the killers seem to come out of nowhere. Not sure who the original killers were supposed to be though.

So true on SIGNS and BLAIR WITCH.

My friends and I had the same experience watching The Kings of Comedy. We were a bunch of teenage, prep school white kids sitting in the theater with a full black audience. It was some of the most fun I've had in a movie theater.

For the record, I think The Ring is the only film I've seen in a theater where I had my eyes covered 60% of the time. I was such a pussy after the first 10 minutes where they show the girl in the closet. I kept waiting for them to show it again. Almost pissed myself.

Kottonmouth Kings…oh man. "Suburban life ain't what it seems! Suburban life: the American dream! Suburban life: so pretty and clean!" "ICP proteges" is never a good thing to have on your resume. I played the shit out of that soundtrack in 1997-98. Surprisingly good songs by a few great and mostly not-so-great '90s

I actually saw a woman run screaming out of the theater when the girl crawls out of the TV set in The Ring. Her boyfriend ran out after her mumbling about "bitches comin out of the TV"…and that he didn't "need this shit."

I think people are mixing up entitlement and self-esteem. You can have low self esteem and still have a sense of entitlement. I know because my sister is this way.

I think most people's sense of entitlement lessens or goes away entirely if and when they're presented with the humbling reality of paying off loans, unemployment, rejection, etc. It's those people that have never had to experience those things that you have to look out for.

It's only a different direction in that she seems to be too big and too good an actress for a small part. I'm guessing Moneypenny will play a significant role in this one.

I can't remember anything specifically, but there's a general sense of eyerolling about certain things Samm did on set and things he says in the commentaries. He doesn't seem like a jerk so much as very annoying, although also very close in personality to his character.

I think it depends on the kid. If the kid is crazy smart and has an inherent work ethic, then a sense of entitlement isn't necessarily a bad thing and will probably enable them to get ahead in life. I'm sure someone like Mark Zuckerberg had a strong sense of entitlement, and it enabled him to have the confidence to do

Maybe Samm is a perfectly nice guy, but those Freaks & Geeks audio commentaries give you a good indication as to why maybe he hasn't been so involved in the recent crop of Apatow projects.