Curly Jefferson

I don't think it's so much that Carolla wants kids to be raised like him, but I do think he senses that kids of younger generations have a sense of entitlement that is based on nothing, and he probably sees this type of coddling as the root cause. Can't say he's wrong about the sense of entitlement, but I'm not sure

He seemed so ashamed after making that crack about A Guy Thing. You got the sense that Lennon and Garant were thinking, "we'll be nice to this guy," and Levine was thinking, "these guys are my buddies! I can fuck with them, right?" No, not at all.


That's right…Cross was really early on, I completely forgot about that ep.

You don't remember the story about him being sexually molested by a man with Down Syndrome and his dad finding out and making jokes about it to Bobby's dates? You sure you listened?

I liked that show too. Good comics talking about politics in a respectful but not necessarily friendly way. I remember not usually agreeing with Giraldo but thinking he was by far the best arguer. Makes sense, considering he went to Harvard Law. He put Leary in his place more than once.

Lugnut, not sure, but I've seen him on Twitter listing people he's asked and have either turned him down or never got back to him. I'm surprised people like Ben Stiller and Conan wouldn't make it okay for some of these bigger guys to come in.

All of the ones mentioned, plus:

The Bobby Lee one for sure. It's so messed up how he can tell this horrible story but still made me laugh talking about his dad finding the whole thing funny and talking about it like it's this great joke in his thick Korean accent. Dark comedy at its darkest.

Lobsters, you sometimes remind me of an angrier, less timid version of myself. Aerosmith rules.

I think he was actually talking about Final Fight.

I own tons of DVDs but I'm not sure I bought any at the full price ($19.99+…Criterion price points get into $40 or $50 range, for one movie).

I think you're confusing genre with quality. What makes a comedy is the intent to make you laugh or make it humorous. Whether it succeeds or not is beside the point.

I thought the joke worked BETTER in Superbad because MySpace was already outdated, and the old guy was trying to appear hip to the young kids. I also thought the joke was more about MySpace's tendency to attract sexual predators than anything else.

Yeah, he's the only part of that movie I really remember, and I recall being impressed by his dramatic scenes.

James Taylor is the one who says "Facebook sucks" and he's playing at the party. I think saying "Facebook sucks" at a MySpace party is like saying "Auburn sucks!" at a gig in Tuscaloosa. Sure fire way to get a crowd pumped up.

Storage Wars
Brandi. Wayyyy too hot for Jarrod.

Most of the cast is older and married and have kids (save for Starr, Caplan and Hansen), so I kinda hope they didn't hook up.

It would make a fine movie. Much more so than Arrested Development. It would be very simple to reintroduce these characters and situations and make it a successful film for audiences who haven't seen the show (and continue the storyline for people who have seen it).