Curly Jefferson

Glamorama probably won't ever happen because of Zoolander. Glitterati won't happen until Kip Pardue realizes his acting career went nowhere and he needs to make a buck.

He used to have the original script that he wrote by himself (called Pandemonium Reigns) on his website, and some of it was very similar, if not word for word, scenes that ended up in PF—mostly what Dropout above mentioned.

It's funny cause I'm from the South and have lived in Mississippi, and I still assume when I turn on COPS that they're in Mississippi or Alabama, and more often than not it turns out to be New Mexico or Colorado or the aforementioned New Jersey. Leads me to the crazy assumption that (stay with me here) there are

Skipper Dan = Fountains of Wayne style parody?
Not sure if it's intentional, but that chorus has FoW written all over it.

@zebbart — Not sure if you're replying to my post, but I wanted to put an addendum in my post anyway but it was already too long. I agree with you—there isn't anything wrong with doing blockbusters and making bank, but you should accept that that's what you did. He was an active participant and he probably wanted to

A number of critics, including Sean, have discussed why this paradigm is neither new nor is it viable for any non-household name filmmaker (and even some of them you wouldn't pay $80 to see talk).

Craig, I appreciate your "wait to see if to pass judgement" but life is too short to give something like Cop Out a chance. I hope you were on a plane.

It may not be fair, but I credit producer David Mandel (Seinfeld, Curb) completely for making the Clerks cartoon good.

His decision would be a lot more impressive if he wasn't already 25 and been at this 15 years, with 95% of his filmography being overblown, dumb blockbusters. Guys like Depp, Sean Penn, DiCaprio (who had one big bump in the road) or even Michelle Williams all started out doing crappy stuff but had made the decision to

@Wade - I think people just get an icky feeling from LaBeouf, like he's just selling people out cause he thinks that's what the public wants to hear. There's such a thing as being open and irreverent and still being respectful of the people you've worked with, people who have given you some incredible opportunities.

I feel like I'm in an alternate universe when I see a headline like "Shia LaBeouf: Hollywood's Last Bad Boy." The kid from Even Stevens? That twerp? He's what passes for a bad boy now? Dennis Hopper was a bad boy. Rip Torn was a bad boy. Those guys were addicted to drugs and alcohol and at various points attempted to

I can't tell if the Coens are serious about it, but I'd love to see it. I do not expect any redemption for Fink, because those Coens are cynical bastards.

There was an interview between Noah Baumbach and the Coens recently (search it on YouTube) and Baumbach said he didn't think Blood Simple seemed like a first movie and the Coens were like, "are you nuts?" Still, I think it's only got the "first movie" problems in the context of their career. For anyone else, it would

This word "twee"—I do not think it means what you think it means.

Glen Campbell! Show some respect! The girl is WAY better in this one and more age appropriate (though way too attractive, as Mattie is supposed to be plain if not homely). That said, a lot of the scenes are pretty close to identical, especially the run-in with Ned Pepper and his gang. Still, the Coens is superior.

Yeah, if you're a fan and something you like starts going down hill, just stop listening and shut up. No one wants to hear it. The internet is only for loving things, and unless you love something, just keep your whiny mouth shut.

It's an affected personality whenever he's on Carolla or Nerdist or even Conan, cause he knows it's funny. He's performing. But with Maron it's different. Maron makes you get down in the mud with him.

Start with Anything Else. Quentin Tarantino told me to tell you that.

Clearly Rip isn't trying hard to troll.

Dax - You're allowed to write "fag." We know you're not homophobic, you're just quoting a movie. We won't make you go to Nashville to apologize, I promise.