Curly Jefferson

STILL Waiting…
Guy gets a starring role and it's in that DTV piece of shit. Remember when AV Club had those banner ads for that movie for a good couple of months? Depressed me.

Guns don't kill people, I kill people.

Re: ElDan. This is kind of lame, but I recall actually rewinding the part where he says "I want you inside me!" cause it's the first really weird joke of the movie and it comes out of nowhere. I knew nothing about the movie and just up and bought it after watching some old State skits on a message board and seeing

Wain is Jewish but went to camp in Ohio, where he grew up (Shaker Heights), and it's based mostly on his experience, so, no you don't need to be Jewish or from the east coast to enjoy it.

BM is the only Sandler movie that comes close to capturing the retarded insanity of his first two albums. If he would still churn out those funny as they are dirty comedy albums I would forgive him for making his terrible romantic comedies.

Hey, you're scarin' us, lady!

Wain said on the podcast (and i think on the commentary also) that they were not booing because it's Christian (or for the cross), they're booing because it's an amazingly well-done, beautifully performed number (remember, they clapped for all the terrible ones like Roger the Master Broom Balancer). It's just simple

Maybe it's not as great if you see it now for the first time. I dunno. I saw it in 02 or 03 and the style of comedy was unlike anything I'd seen at the time. I think I watched it twice in a row.

I don't think Hipster-billy's jewish. But maybe. I dunno. He's got a pretty big nose.

I wonder if Canadians take the British approach of 90 minutes being the standard number for most any film. Here 90 minutes is only standard for comedies (unless you're Judd Apatow).

3 Koreans and a negra born with his heart on the outside. It's a crazy world.

Hey guys, Jackass got Louis CK's seal of approval in a Pitchfork interview this week. That means that they're okay for you to like! Enjoy!

Bam was the insensitive one, telling Ebert to shut his fat mouth. Guy is neither fat, nor does he even have much of a mouth anymore.

Collapse isn't that bad in context of GBV's other work. It's kind of fun/funny, really to hear them with this giant, slick production and synths and all that. It's ridiculous. But it's definitely not the place to start. I'd honestly throw out Isolation Drills as a good place to start. That's the one "big production"

Compound Eye is the best, but I thought Coast to Coast Carpet of Love was pretty damn good too. Sounded a lot like the early REM influenced GBV stuff.

Didn't they also claim cable would have no commercials? Or am I just thinking of IFC?

Gary VIII is just trolling, right? No one can actually hold such an opinion, can they?

Thought it interesting that Brian Posehn is playing this year's Gathering of the Juggalos. Unironically, no less.

Yeah, this is kind of old news for a supposed cutting edge comedy group to be doing. Even SNL has made fun of the Gathering of the Juggalos for chrissakes. Multiple times. I think it's time to move on to some other low-hanging fruit.

I'd imagine it's much easier to lose control of a Porsche GT3 than say, a Camry.