Curly Jefferson

I would like Sound Opinions a lot more if Kot and DeRogatis didn't seem like they were trying SO HARD to eschew contemporary white guy music, only to spend 75% of the episode talking about how great some old Lou Reed album is.

I think his celebrity interviews can be good, as long as they talk sports, like he did with Jon Hamm. But then there's interviews like the Super Dave one which was unlistenable.

Yeah, I made the Pa Cox/Raylan's dad connection and looked him up, thinking maybe he was one of these "late in life" actors who came out of Memphis or somewhere and decided to start acting, since I couldn't remember ever seeing him before. Turns out he's a veteran actor from New York and attended Yale Drama School. I

I'd like to see an actual sequel to Swingers, just to see what happened to those characters. I envision Trent becoming a successful but bloated mainstream comic actor after a string of dramatic misfires, and Mike has just turned down the chance to direct Metal Guy 3. Rob is still trying to follw up on the promise of

I think he's done with the Cardinals for a while, as he should be in my estimation. He's recently been recording songs for a solo album.

That 2005 show at the Ryman with the "original" Cardinals lineup was easily the best Ryan Adams show I've ever seen (including the famous "Summer of 69" show) and one of the best all around shows I've ever been to.
Here's my list. This would fit on an 80 min mix CD (leaving out Whiskeytown…if you want to get into

I'm a huge Stern fan and listen every day but even I agree the pornstar/stripper interviews are death. I always turn the station when any of those type of girls come in. So boring. I guess it's supposed to make you wanna get Howard TV? I listen for: celebrity interviews, Eric the Midget, Beetlejuice and a few other

Yeah, it's not even a matter of agreeing or disagreeing with her politics. She just went headfirst into the political thing and forgot to be funny.

No you don't. It's just a funny movie. It has a specific sense of humor though, so if you don't like it, you don't like it. There's a reason it's a cult movie; not everyone will like it. So if you don't like it, who gives a hell?

Isn't there one that's called the Animal Coalition that's even crazier than PETA? The types that would have been the ones to release the chimps with Rage in 28 Days Later?

Kyra Sedgwick's accent is a bad, bad thing.

Yeah, the OnDemand thing really did suck. I loved the show, but I had a hard time getting caught up once I missed a week because they were so slow to update the OnDemand. I understand there are are probably reasons for that and maybe contractual obligations, but if you want people to hop aboard a niche show with a

S Jerusalem - Comparing a deep cable show and a network show is apples and oranges. Any show on ABC is going to get millions of viewers automatically because, believe it or not, some people still don't have cable and the vast majority of people still go to the networks for primetime viewing. Stumbling upon an ABC

Is that anything like Son of the Beach? Another great FX comedy!

Here's another thing I'm not sure anyone's brought up: Steve Martin when he's not "on" can be pretty boring. Not like he's Ben Stein in Ferris Bueller or something, but he's not really funny at all, and he's very much just a normal person. Does that mean he should be "on" all the time because an audience demands him

Oh please. It's so tiresome when people go the "what did they expect? KING TUT?" route. Clearly no one was expecting to go to the Y and see him interviewed by a NYT reporter thinking he'd bust out the banjo, put the arrow through his head and start doing 30 year old comedy routines. Maybe they could have had a more

"That's not an MP, that's a YP: your problem. Come up with the money, or forget it."
"Okay, now you're talking above my head. I don't know all of this industry jargon, YP, MP."

I don't agree with you really, but it bears mentioning that Mark Ruffalo was originally cast.

Also, I like Kicking and Screaming a lot, but it's so heavily indebted to Whit Stillman that it's hard to see the originality in it…still some great scenes and lines though. I was glad when he found his original voice with Squid.

Yeah, I can't watch movies about people of privilege. I guess it's a Ballast/George Washington double-feature for me again tonight.