Curly Jefferson

Should probably move away if you're going to get upset about every production filmed in your "town."

I think Baumbach probably wants it to bother you. I don't know about you, but I know a lot of sweet, charming girls who have low self esteem and end up with assholes because of it. I don't think he's necessarily saying "these two people together is a beautiful thing." He's just showing the inception of a relationship

I recall a rumor that he wrote the "More cowbell" skit for SNL. Probably bullshit, but he did direct bits for SNL (Ben Affleck's "FANatic" parody) and The Showbiz Show with David Spade (seriously). Plus he's always casting comics in his movies—Paul F Tompkins and Jim Downey have cameos in TWBB, not to mention Robert

Comic moments? Boogie Nights borders on dark comedy until Little Bill's suicide. I just think his sense of humor may be a little darker and sicker than most people's.

If there's one thing that isn't great, it's probably Talia Shire's acting. Duvall is excellent.

He was great, especially in his younger years and I even thought his performance in Brokeback was quite good.

Evi definitely seems like a concoction of a Bret Easton Ellis character…one of the ones that seems just a little too crazy to exist in the real world.

I would prefer not to.
Bartleby the Scrivener? Not a big Melville crowd, are we? He's not an easy read.

Makes sense that Reed wasn't involved. I always thought it peculiar he would do any kind of spin off instead of wrapping the show up in some way.

My roommate and I quote Dingo constantly. When anyone anywhere coughs we say, in a low, vaguely british voice "mm…cover your mouth."

I didn't dig the second season as much as the first, but the first season DVD is one of my most prized comedic possessions. I love Archer, but nothing makes me laugh harder than Killface. "People let me tell you bout my beeest friend! ….Barnaby Jones!"

I'm pretty sure 2 more hours would not fix all the problems Southland Tales had. The Box was strangely watchable in a "No way can this film get any crazie—oh my god!" type way.

I always thought the cast in Southland Tales was essentially Kelly saying "look how unpretentious this is! I cast Stifler, Buffy and the Rock in lead roles! And look! A MadTV cast member!" as a built in defense against critics primed to dismiss the film as incredibly pretentious…as if pretentiousness was the film's

Yeah, what was I thinking? Movies with pot jokes never do well. That Seth Rogen will never amount to anything until he understands that.

I don't know why people are so quick to jump on something because the trailer doesn't blow them away. The pedigree of the cast and filmmakers alone should give the one or two lame jokes a pass. This trailer, which I quite like, looks severely edited—even more so than most comedy trailer. I highly doubt this is a good

No matter what you think about McBride's skills, there is absolutely no one else who could play Kenny Powers. Most actors never create/play a role that iconic.

I just want him to make more movies in general. I never found Snow Angels (or Undertow, really) to be 100% successful, so I hope this comedy thing has helped him recharge his batteries. I'm happy for the guy. Ten years ago, he was making $20,000 movies with his friends, and now he's making $70 million movies with the

The accents of the people in Tangier, an isolated island off the coast of Virginia, are said to be closer to the type of English the early explorers (John Smith was the first to explore the island) would have spoken than any accent in the world. It's an interesting mix of deep southern and English—kind of cool to hear

Made me snort outloud at work. Bastard.

I'd be willing to bet you could get David Lynch for a lot less money than Jon Turtletaub. I seem to remember hearing long ago that Roger Avary wrote a screenplay for a remake of SECONDS for that guy who directed BREAKDOWN and T3.