
Sharp fucking lawn darts.

Well True North is relatively new. And it fucking kicks ass.


Magrudergrind, "Letter Bomb to Real Estate Company is Less Sign Distribution, But More Economic Value for Me"
Joy Division, "Interzone"
The Killers, "Jenny Was a Friend of Mine"
NAILS, "Scum Will Rise"
The Exploited, "Barry Prossitt"
Negative Approach, "Tied Down"

Ineffective? Are you sure you're smearing it on the right body parts?

"What you're gonna wanna go ahead and do, is sprinkle a little lemon juice on those apple dippers before packaging them for the Happy Meals!"

If it's the wrong opinion.

Speaking of not reading the article, TLC shows about the Amish = pfft, over it! TLC shows featuring toddlers dressed like Thai ladyboys = bingo!

I Know We're Not Supposed To Be Reading The Article, But… Thread

School of Hard Knocks, obviously.


"I'm so dwunk wight now I feel wetawded."

There it is.

"I don't manage a baseball team. I'm a Vaudevillian."

@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus Between "polar tundra" and "little forested mountainous region," I thought I was lobbing a nice "your mom" joke right over the plate. You never cease to keep us guessing.

To me it sounds exactly like the title of an album by a band who attaches jazz inspirations to indie rock backbones.

Yeah. Most of it is obviously polar tundra, but she also has that little forested mountainous region just above her forehead…

Not even the careening? The delicate dancing? What about the traditional-structure-forgoing?

Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga.

They're real freaks for occupational safety.