
Watch out! He's going to eat his baby, or sell it for drug money!

He's just trying to distract everyone from the fact that he once produced or consulted for Fred Durst.

Haha, someone else's diet that in no way affects me is stupid! LOL.

He also looks like someone who has been arrested for possession of child porn.


Welcome. Grab some Kleenex.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus tellin' it like it is all over this thread.

With nuclear arms is the only appropriate way to hug children. Anything else and you're a pervert, there I said it.

Agreed. I always sympathized with Tavon 100% here.

Fucking thank you. I don't know who the hell Brett Martin is, but he has his head up his ass.

Dance hard or die.

I like to think she eats organic muffins on the toilet. Circle of life and all that.

You don't have to keep dancing around the obvious; she didn't say anything about not photographing her on the toilet, so that's still okay.

"Siri, tell the audience not to bring their phones to my shows."

What is it with people forgetting how horrible Vic has been to them in
the past? Yes, Vic has also been genuinely encouraging to Julien, but
this is a guy who not only blackmailed Julien about his sexuality but
has caught Julien in flagrante.

Calling all powerviolence bros to check out Desocialized by Cheap Art. Alternating male/female vocals, and the occasional two-step or fat, sludgy breakdown in between blast beats. And one of the few genres where you can get away with calling 14 songs an EP.

A woman who can disassemble a carburetor? Of course she was.

"I recently got the entire series of Saved By The Bell on VHS."

Nah, Watain's not a white power band. Just Satanists who aren't particularly keen on the whole "metal brotherhood" concept. But Erik Danielsson has been critical of NSBM in the past. I honestly think there's probably a racism rumor out there about every black metal band that isn't openly leftist.