
Yup, that's exactly what I did by pointing out a simple fucking fact. But by all means, enjoy your high horse. Well played!

The song "Anything Could Happen" is responsible for the deaths of over one hundred preschoolers in four northeastern states.


His wife is a member of a shooting club. It's possible that her entirely legal purchase of four rifles was because she's a member of a shooting club.

Yes, many many adults.



Pick it up at Target on your way to Congress to testify against Ticketmaster. It'll be in the special endcap.

Brummie or GTFO.

As a matter of fact, I saw a blurb on some metal site today about an upcoming record by a band called Shitfucker…

Yeah, the only reason I showed up was for a Carla Gugino photo.

The possibilities are limitless. What about a Slayer banana hammock that says "Necrophiliac" on the front? 

EDIT: Comment moved to the thread where it belongs.

Let's not forget Mannequin II.

Al Madrigal looks really rapeable in his picture.

Oooh, lookit Mister Fancy, worth many times the amount of $10. You don't have to rub our faces in it.

Just punch him in the face, @avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus.

Is this where we talk about imagined violent reactions to imagined violence toward annoying-looking people on the internet?

I understand she's a horse.

They also worked for the Man at a taco stand.