
There are dozens of us.

Mmmm…MMMMMM. Mrs. Pell's Fishsticks. They're even better when you're dead!

I wasn't completely crazy about them, but they provided a little bit of enjoyable conflict. And Trish is fucking hot.

And if it features Fred Armisen, drones should bomb your house.

So these movies will fully and completely end his career.

@Dikachu:disqus Brand™ Facial Tissues/Old Gym Socks?

The way Van Bro matter-of-factly says "religious erotica" is a nice little bit of comic relief.

Shane most definitely does not "dip into his illicit retirement account
to get her something flashy." He puts the down payment on his credit
card. These things matter.

Nah, you were watching it right.


Love the music; hate the vocals. Which is sort of what I expected.

Click to begin slideshow.

"I have in no way been thrown under any buses. I sort of tripped and fell under a midsize one time, but that, in addition to all my shortcomings on this show, was something I bear full responsibility for."

Bible II: So Very Tired

That I'd watch. Revelation is metal as fuck.

The Bible II: The Smackdown

It's too late; Ben Affleck is in charge of Matt Damon now.

I wasn't trying to write a fucking sales pitch. I was reacting to a person on the Internet going "Oh, in (name of third world dictatorship) they do these things…KINDA LIKE THE U.S. RIGHT GUYS?"

The U.S. is better than Turkmenistan.

The decisions regarding Turkmenistan made by the people we elect to officially represent us don't matter. It only matters if a celebrity that cool people don't like performs there.