Lt. Worf. In the Engine Room. With a coal shovel.
Lt. Worf. In the Engine Room. With a coal shovel.
Isnt Fascination the episode loosely based on Midsummer Nights Dream, where everyone starts falling in love with eachother because Lwaxana's has Betazoid Alzheimer's. I thought that episode was pretty terrible.
Watching that as a kid I remember thinking that was one of the freakiest and most suspenseful moments in the episode (right after the doctor having her face melted off, which came as quite a violent shock on a show that didn't have too much of that). The idea of being so close to help, all you have to do is say the…
If the Bush speechwriting machine taught me one thing, its that we definitely want to avoid Human/Animal hybrids.
Do you think the episode would have been more interesting if it started with Picard and Data returning to the ship to find it in disarray?
This is why Betazoids never break the warp 10 barrier.
I thought she did a good job as well, and the beats were hit nicely. Plus it was good to get her sprayed in the face to put her character out so she didnt have to be in front of the camera.
What you fail to realize is that earlier versions of the script contained a scene where Barclay soliloquies the benefits of eating arachnids for breakfast. I believe the scene was cut for time.
"You're the Canadian…"
Murdock as a genetically superior and mutated spider creature? Now thats a spinoff I can watch!
The references you guys pull out of the bag never cease to amaze me.
Watchmen was introduced to me right after I got out of college and I credit it with getting me back into comics and graphic novels in general. Fantastic narrative.
Terrence Stamp. For the win.
"…sat in the corner listening to The Smiths on his discman." Best sentence ever.
Agreed, superb writing and one of my favorites as well. I actually bought a copy for my high school AP English teacher after I read it.
So Ihat and the old man are just different moons, or perhaps nearby stars? It all makes sense now!
Anyone remember an old Raggedy Anne and Andy Cartoon from the 70's that looked it had been drawn by illustrators tripping on acid?
Dude, with the awesome blue screen flying lion scenes? How can you pass that up?
I discovered Blues Clues in high school when the girl I was dating showed it to me. She turned out to be a raging bitch (even sans a Bajoran name) herself, and I've never been able to enjoy the show since.
I got the impression that Korgano and Masaka represented the sun and moon chasing eachother across the sky. Is that right, or is my memory starting to make up details?