

I thought the Kobyashi scene quite well played, and the apple a nice throwback to Wrath of Kahn.  Also loved that Spock was the one who designed the test, which would explain why he never took it himself.

I remember thinking that the sets and costumes in "Thine Own Self" were quite good, especially in comparison to other "civy" type clothing we'd seen in past episodes.

Yes, in Pen Pals didn't the Enterprise play some role in saving that planet from imminent destruction?  Also, that Nikki Cox character (Sarjenka) showed up later in TrekLit as a UFP trained doctor that Dr. Pulaski took a shining to and helped her get into med school.  Sometimes it feels like they are really reaching

Ok, I get the 1st two, but Kes?  How is she in any way redeeming?

You are out of your element, Barclay!

I felt that there were other times where the Enterprise played a helping hand to races in peril without revealing who they were.  Anyone remember episodes like this?

I just watched Paradise Lost in the DS9 collection and had a fun time comparing some of its grander themes to a few of the ideas touted during the Bush years.  I liked the line "If the Dominion wants to destroy what we've created here, they'll have to do it themselves.  We're not going to do it for them."  If only

I'm curious to give Enterprise another go.  I hear it got better as it went along.

Was the tall security guard in Star Trek 3 an ensign.  He seemed pretty burly to me.  Though that didn't stop Sulu from putting his face into a wall.

Geordi and Data in the graveyard at night, when the walls fell…

There is actually a special contingent of security officers tasked with hunting down and killing the feral cats around the Enterprise.  Every 10 cat pelts equals another pip on their collar.

They were hoping for an episode where Data could show off his new chainsaw hands by attempting to pet Spot, but it got shot down in the writer's room.

Oh he experienced some emptiness alright!  AmIright?

For some reason USGOV reminded me of the SS Tsiolkovsky.  Wonder if they made cheese too….

"Unstoppable" is a perfect adjective for Data.  Its kind of amazing to get excited over something so streamlined as his thoughts and methods, but it truly is.  It reminds me of the scene in "The Minds Eye" when he realizes Geordi is the assassin, and tells Worf to take him into custody.  There are few lines better

"New Advnetures…" and "Up" was about the time I stopped listening.  I remember "All the Way to Reno" for some reason but the rest of that album (Reveal?) is kind of a blur.  Anyone got any opinions on their last 2 albums?  I haven't heard them at all.

Nor I, though I do feel that "hard Sci-Fi" is slightly easier to believe because its less of a leap for me to get there.

"…We gotta live on natural philosophy alone…"

I always found it kind of fascinating to hear Picard say the words "Yes, Sir!" to anybody, it was such a rare occurrence.  Plus, he said it in such a way that you almost felt like he was going to take a swing at her if she kept on berating him.