
@Mrs. Peel: Any chance you'd be willing to share your recipe for said Guiness cake?

I heard they changed the name to "Insurrection" from the original title of "Resurrection" after it was revealed that the Aliens sequel coming out that summer had the same name. There was also supposed to a scene where Ruoffo (?) takes a full blast of "Make You Young Forever" tonic right in the face and quickly goes

@Rich, your response to the Turducken reveal is the highlight of my afternoon. Thank you for the laugh. You've made this a much better day.

Was that play they were performing based on an actual play, or was the dialogue something the writers just tossed off for the episode?

I read a short fan fiction once that was the story of that bipedal woman at the end of her life, and how the Enterprise found a time wormhole and sent her a message back in time to let her know "Message received." It was terrible.

@ Steffs: Thats brilliant! Of course thats what he did!
Question: Was it the Photo Album, or his complete works of Shakespeare he was recovering? I always thought the latter.

It was the Kazon for the first half. That was before it became "Star Trek: Borg with special guest stars the crew of the Starship Voyager!"
Re: Pubic Hair, I think they would trim it to match that bird on their insignia. The question is, would the bird be holding the two planets on the pubis, or would those be lower?

I agree wholeheartedly. Well said, sir!

"In rehearsals for the scene when I "shatter" myself, I liked to fool around with the crew by pointing the phaser at my junk, then screaming in excruciating pain and saying "This was the real world after all! Why God, Why?!" This got a good laugh, and definitely paved the way for a few encounters with Commander

::Laughter:: "And then, I says to the human, I says, "Perhaps, some day," all serious like. And he looks at me all understanding and respectful and stuff. And then I hung up! Man, what a bleeding heart that guy must be!" ::More laughter::

Billy, you can't bring something up and then say lets never talk about it again! That's like something the sister would pull in Rachel Getting Married.

And even in the last few movies, they were given very little….unless you count face tattoos…

Star Trek 5 does not exist, therefore there is no floating pool table.

Put me in the slightly embarassed/rolling my eyes category to the "bitch" line. It wasn't sold well, it didn't feel like it belonged in that character's mouth, and it kind of smacked of "Ooh, watch me use a bad word in my final movie to show how grown up my audience has become"-ness. I just didn't buy it. It

I've stopped going to Improv shows here in LA that my friends are involved in. I just ran out of ways of tactfully avoiding the subject of everything I hated about them.

@Bad Horse,
There are many a poor Trek novel - I recently had to put one down after the author had Captain Picard utter the very-much-in-keeping-with-the character line of "…what the deuce is going on?" But there are a few gems in there.

I can sum up the difference between CoCII and 1984 in two little words:
"What lights?"
Best. Moment. Ever.
Even in his defiance, Stewart conveys a subtlety which is awe-inspiring.

@MSG, thanks for the tips. I'll be there in my Steampunk regalia on Saturday, will definitely take you up on the bars & boilermakers.
@Rich, I feel its been discussed a few times on these hallowed walls, but one more reason to like Jeri Ryan seems like a good thing to me.
@Eponymous, "Next week on a very special

@ Mrs. Peel, loved the Trombone reference (isn't that what Riker plays?) Here in the office, when something doesn't go our way, we've coined the term "Price Is Right Tuba." It works well.

What?! C'mon, Bashir's most convincing moments had to be in the hard hitting episode Distant Voices. You learned so much about him, and he was so very convincing. And that is some old age makeup you can get behind!