
MSG, you bring up a good point for the real world. Any of you broad-minded humans going to be in San Diego next week/end? Seems like the kind of place where folks like us could participate in a flash mob, that somehow centers around Jonathan Frakes….But how to make it work?

Ah, Dr. Chakwas…. We had a good night of drinking and carousing in Mass Effect 2.

What would Ron Moore's angle be? Talking snootily about the troglodytes in the writer's room?

Thinking back on it now, I believe that the imagery in Data's dreams was a lot better than the writing of Data's dreams. Plus, I like that creepy, swirling camera thing they do to let you know he is dreaming. And seeing a young Dr. Soong working as a metal smith looked really cool.

If I were Frakes, I'd buy you a drink, but since I'm me, I'll raise my glass to you instead. Cheers!

Also, this may have been said already, but I realize that Troi in this episode is kind of like the Romulan equivalent of the USSR's Zampolit officers. (Yes, I've read Tom Clancy)

Really? What was it before? Romulan Intelligence? I feel like they must have made mention of it in Reunification…but perhaps not. Dang, if it took up to season 6 to mention the Tal Shiar, thats disappointing. There is so much possibility with a bunch of paranoid wackos like that running around the empire.

"No need to mince words, Captain…"

I read somewhere that they had considered using Crusher instead of Troi for this role.
Also, @Jimmy, its hard to read the entire review and try to get a comment in before the multitudes push the reasonable conversations up to the triple digits.

Windy Shrimp, your dignity is indeed in tact. While Bashir was quite annoying early on, but I did like getting a peak into Data's dreams.

@Rich, Well said. With your permission I think I'd like to repost that elsewhere.

…17And he left them and went into Bethany and he lodged there. 18And he did lay with the inn keeper's wife, and their 4 buxom offspring yet his humors did abound 19And taking quirt from wall and bottle from bar, did storm unto the stables and to terrorize the oxen and mules there, 20Mercilessly whipping and drinking

@Eponymous, agree completely re: Pegasus episodes. Some of those had me out of my chair, they were so good. As for BSG torture, I remember my Aha Moment of realizing that they were talking about water boarding & modern day America, and thinking that it was quite well done.

@Jammer Jim, "View from the Gallery" was the last B5 episode I ever watched. I just couldn't bring myself to go on. I sold the season at Amoeba shortly thereafter. I was excited by the Neil Gaiman penned episode, but that quickly died away as most of the episode was about a character I had no investment in

@Zack, great write-up, its been awhile since I've seen this episode, and your review had me glued to my computer screen.

Speaking of redheads, you ever notice how there are an abundant amount of redheaded extras in the background on the Enterprise?

"The core element is based on an FTL nanoprocessor with twenty five bilateral kelilactirals, with twenty of those being slaved into the primary heisenfram terminal. Now you do know what a bilateral kelilactiral is?"
Writers must have had a blast doing this, I know I loved watching it. Is Riker saying that the

Oh c'mon! How can you hate on a talking fish that throws out such memorable gems as: "The Enterprise is a Galaxy-class starship. Do you know how to spell Enterprise?"

DJ's Meth Habit
Now thats an episode of Full House I'd like to see! What other heights could be hit? Perhaps the twins attempting to kill eachother in order to please their God?

Fontaine…wasn't that a character in the video game, Bioshock?