
Worse than clip show? I will refer you to this "Data! Something's got meeee!!!!" (repeat ad nauseum). How is anything worse than that?

@Rich, dont know why that sounds so dirty, but it does.

The only song I'm remember from RR right now is the Rag basketball song. Somehow I'm having trouble putting Trek Techno babble in there.

@Tuck-Yes! That was a great moment. Good thing that Ferengi guard was so easily duped. Can you imagine how quickly Picard's plan would have folded had the guard been in a bad mood and just pistol whipped the adolescent in the face to shut him up?

Can you imagine what kind of showdown there'd be when the Q-Squad has to track down the Traveler and his new human apprentice? Action Gold!

A sub-plot in earlier drafts of the script had puppies appearing around the ship every night while Amanda was dreaming. There were some hilarious musical montage scenes of Data and Geordi finding "clever" ways of disposing of the excess puppies (airlocks, melding transporter beams, ambo-jitsu practice), but the

Breathless, speechless, retching up my breakfast but laughing the entire time.

Why Jean-Luc, that sounds…..Extraordinary!

Am I the only one who found Troi's lines in "Fist" to be cringe-worthy?

Yes, reading this I got some interesting ideas about a Q-based hit squad who's mission it was to travel the galaxy, tracking down rogue Q and bringing them to justice, but doing it in a way where their existence was never revealed.
Shoot, that sounds like a pitch if I've ever heard one!

I'm in the "Seven's parents were weird vet-hippies who thought the Borg were just a misunderstood species is a retarded concept and has no place in the canon" boat.

I was rather fond of this one: "…leads to a lot of tech talk, and, eventually, a strange glowing rift on a cargo bay wall that's apparently chock full of tetryons."

I think having a "Commie Colm" on here is a brilliant idea!

@ K. Thrace, Re: "Puritanical-push from the Reaganite 80s."
Thats nothing compared to the Just Say No when Tasha Yar educates Wesley on the badness of drugs. I almost expected Nancy Reagan to pop up in a Starfleet Admiral guest-star role.

I actually thought revealing the aliens in this episode was a bit of a let down. They looked silly and it really made them less mysterious.

Tapestry = "George Bailey and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day"

In the film permit expediting business myself. It leads to some interesting stories, but mostly a general dislike for public institutions and bureaucracy associated with them. I used to design and direct in the theater world….sometimes I miss it.

That Dave Barry movie (Big Trouble I think it was called) was watchable, as far as Tim Allen goes. Galaxy Quest was hilarious.

I raise my glass to you, Rich, the conversations on here are unmatched, and a high point of my week.

I want to know where I can read this Buckaroo/Thrace Fanfic. That sounds great!