
They should have had Picard's Nexus fantasy be him in a night club playing the "Yazz Floot."

I remember purchasing TMP on VHS, back when I thought that "19 Minutes of Extra Footage" was a good thing.

I went post borgified Voyager ride, which was quite a bit of fun. Yes, Quarks was horribly overpriced for pretty disappointing food. Though a Klingon came up to our table and told us to send our burger back because it wasn't even moving. That did add to the fun.

But there are some good ideas there. What if Picard saving the day really IS his fantasy inside the Nexus, and in the real world, the Enterprise crew is completely obliterated? Sounds like an alternate history series just waiting to be written.

My lady friend just brought over deck by deck blueprints of the Enterprise-D…..anybody wanna come over and have a party?

That's "Embedded Space Journalists" to you.
Also, didn't the original Captain of the Excelsior walk around with a riding crop under his arm?

@Jeebus, Clearly you do not remember the S7 episode titled "Emergence" when the Enterprise becomes not one, but several people, all personified on the holodeck.
Also, there is Worf shoveling coal.

Zack, the secret-script on the photo of Data and the tricorder is freaking brilliant! Pennywise = Data!

It took Plinkett's comparison for you to realize this? I noticed it on my first viewing 15 years ago. (Puts on nerd hat, silently weeps in corner)

Poor Troi
Still has so little to do. Her first line in the film ("Answer him!") had me laughing out loud at its uselessness. My Tuesday Night Trek Crew spent the next several minutes mimicking her saying "They gave me something to say in this scene!"

Thats because he kicked in the front of the Enterprise-B after getting it back to space dock. Guess Captaining wasn't for him.

That and they gave Worf a rolley office chair. Only took them 7 years to discover that the tactical officer gets horrible back problems when forced to stand all day long.

I like him as well, good casting choice, and he did have that creepy scientist vibe about him. I wonder if there is a Soran-meme in there somewhere….
Soran: How much will it cost you to replace this flat tire.
Triple AAA: 300 dollars
Soran: (Creepy eyes) They say tires are the wheels on which we turn!
Triple AAA: Its on

My roommate pointed out that he felt bad watching the fight scene between Soran and Picard because it was, in effect, two senior citizens boxing. The addition of Kirk did little to help this feeling.

Insurrection was a struggle, but it REALLY lost me when Riker flies the Enterprise via Joystick. What crap.

Now I'm mixing up lines from Deep Throat and lines from Twain. Did Twain get shot with a phaser, then when Data tries to help him up he gurgles out a "Trust no one" before expiring? I'm pretty sure those were Twain's last words, right?

@Mrs. Peel-"Free as a Borg" is the most brilliant thing I've heard today! Thank you for the laugh.
-Why dont we do it in the Jefferies Tube
-All You Need is Ketracel (On the White Album, of course)
-"Warbird cloaking in the dead of Niiiiight…."

Space: Above and Beyond really does not stand up over time. It was great when I was 12, but I went back and watched it a few years ago, and Boy! Was that a struggle.
As for B5, yeah it had some great ideas, but again, doesn't hold up as well over time.
If we need Frakes in the comments (and I know that we do)

I believe he's referring to Picard saying "The Maquis" in a kind of "well That explains it" tone of voice in the episode Preemptive Strike. I remember watching this episode as a teenager and saying "The what?" when that happened, then being confused for several minutes afterwards, and thinking that I had

Back in the Romulan Star Empire