
Star Trek: A Hard Days Nexus.

Would his wife have 3 boobs?

And here I was thinking that the Times Arrow review was just wonderfully short. I may actually get to the end of the comments section before the end of the day this time!

-Firefly is a great idea.
-Is BSG already being done? How about the old one? Watched the original pilot recently, not as bad as I thought it would be.
-The Prisoner? I hear that's good, though never saw it.
-I've recently gotten into the Canadian show "Slings and Arrows" That would be interesting to banter around

I think it would be nice to compare DS9 and TNG at the same time. Even if the crossovers are perfunctory, its interesting to see how they started differently, and how both grew. If you do decide to do it this way, Season 6 is the place to begin.

I just imagined a bunch of Borg in Lakers jerseys trying to play basketball. This humored me.

God, the music from the reception in the opener ploy! I'm pretty sure I wrenched my eye sockets from rolling them so hard when I first saw that episode.

They even do that here. Apparently "Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone" didn't sound magical enough, hence the American title. Guess our kids are too busy studying "math & science."

I got really trashed on an aircraft carrier party near Con last summer and ended up in a drunken dialogue with Spiner there. He seemed like a great guy, despite my blurry vision and slurred speech.

Welcome home, Scruggs of Five.

My first baby-sitting job the "Man of the house" was an artistic type (named Stiles if you can believe it) and he used to watch TNG sometimes when I was around. This would have been in the early 90's so it must not have been re-runs. It wasn't too long before I was asking my mom for the VHS copies of the old movies.

He ran afoul of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants after an ill-fated game of Dom Jot.

@Jimmy James: Your comment "Thrakes" made me wonder what kind of character you would get if you crossed Jonathan Frakes with Kera Thrace. There has to be some kind of fan fiction about this somewhere.

Picard did end up going against those principles in that episode where Wesley nose dives into the flower box…..much to the chagrin of viewers everywhere.

Re: Picard's happiness vs. Picard's duty.
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."

I missed that one, though I saw the one where Riker puts on Geordi's visor and Data thinks its the funniest thing he's seen. For some reason Riker telling Picard to "take a look at this" and its just him goofing off with the visor is pretty funny. There's also a recurring theme of Data painting huge Phalli. His

And now they all seem to have re-appeared. Confused. But ::shoulder shrug:: whadaya do?

Everyone is in to (and into?) Kirk….even Spock.

Rich, same thing, I posted like 4 or 5 replies yesterday, one was questionable, but the rest was a to further discussion on the board, and this morning they're all gone. Does anybody know if this is a common occurrence on here? Is there anything that can be done?

Loved the shotgun-like effect of ships going into warp in the Abrams reboot. Damn that was cool!