
I just noticed the same thing, I posted a bunch of replies last night (including a follow up to the Frakes/Burton drunk in the trailer meme which at 1 in the morning seemed fairly funny) and today they're all gone. WTF, AV Club?

Bad Horse, I was going to say Babylon 5 was pretty bad and still pretty beloved. Some of that dialogue really does not stand up to the test of time. Still, Lando and G'Kar were the bright spots of that show, at least for the first 4 seasons.
Did you guys know the guy who played Garibaldi is a conservative radio

Did they have a Nurse Chapel in the Abrams reboot? Can you imagine the cat fight between her and Uhura when they find out they're both into Spock?

Zack, I found the review to be quite hilarious, and I get that you were purposely being over the top. Thanks for the laugh.
In regards to a well made show, is this the episode where we see the boom mic in the shot where Lwaxana is trying on her dress? I seem to have some memory of this from many years ago. Anyone

You guys ever notice how in almost every single episode of TNG, there is an attractive red-head in a starfleet uniform somewhere in the background? She's never given any lines, she just stands around and looks pretty. I always wondered if one of the writers was a Charlie Brown fan and hoped to insert a scene where

I'm getting the impression that Roddenberry probably wrote her into the script as being attractive, and missed the fact that everyone in the writers room and at the table reads were looking at him horror-struck. This would also explain Stewart's grudging compliance in being "attracted" to Lwaxana.

I always thought the Purple Klingon blood was to set up *SPOILER* that the sniper at the end was not in fact Klingon but human. Recall Colonel Worf's line: "This is not Klingon blood."
@Eponymous, Thanks for reminding me about Melora. Talk about terrible episodes. I couldn't decide who I wanted to punch more in

Didn't Picard hook up with one of the nerds from stellar cartography? Couldn't have thought that badly of it.

Just watched "All Good Things…" last night with my weekly trek group (yes) and I had forgotten that Proto-G'Kar was in it. Even though he was only on screen for like 10 seconds, Andrew Katsulas is nothing if not fun to watch on screen.

Vader, post-op, his fists in the air.

Good point, BH. Picard being stuck in transporter stasis must have made him feel particularly impotent.
Seriously, Stewart's cry was fantastic in that scene, very much conveying what he and the audience was no doubt feeling at the time. A testament to the writing and the acting: We wanted them to succeed.

Eponymous, I had forgotten about that Galen artifact thing until you mentioned it. I remember thinking at the time, "Holy crap! You just casually threw away one of the few remaining relics of a dead culture. Its like I dont even know you anymore, Picard!"

I even thought the 2nd part of BoBW was quite a let down after such a great build up though it did have some decent moments. Perhaps its just a curse of the two-parters.
Was the Stephen King episode of Quantum Leap the one where he ends up wrestling with a goat at the end?

Pretty sure this episode did a good job tackling such a controversial social subject head on. But what do you think: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

A few points of nerdy reference:
-Sulu does refer to himself as Hikaru in ST:VI.
-Ship of the Line was fucking terrible, that whole argument between Riker and Frasier seemed so…completely unrealistic. And this from the same Diane Carey that brought us the overall entertaining adventures of young Kirk in Best Destiny

I'm surprised no one leaped upon the opportunity to rip "Fistful of Datas" to shreds. That was yet another terrible Alexander episode that made me wish that malfunctioning Holodecks would have been banned entirely.

Ivanova definitely had a bit of ambiguity in her sexual preference, but she wasn't limited to males as her line "I think I loved Talia" was a big indicator. She had males who were interested in her and who she, presumably, was interested in, like Marcus. As for "Outcast" I always compared their "cure" to what

I feel like Worf's adoptive father was a Noncom as well in TNG. And yes, Janeway really shouldn't have been promoted, that scene was groan-worthy. Cameron probably learned to be a badass captain…over time….unless he spiraled into a murky depression after allowing one of the federation's most celebrated heroes to

The anti-drug PSA was painful, and made me wonder if the Reagan's had known GR from their Hollywood days.
Really enjoyed Data's final interaction with Picard after Tasha's funeral. I found something touching in Data having to cope with the death of a friend.

For the longest time I thought Picard answered "Prokofiev" to the Bizet question. Music teachers and starship captains would both be ashamed.