Johnny Unusual


To be fair, you are mentioning this in the comment board for the Dark Knight Returns.

Please do more Back Issue columns on a regular basis, please. I loved this (and they don't have to be as epic as these) and would love to see more takes on the comic book canon.
Suggestions if you do decide to do this:

If no one mentioned it already, I also recommend a horror show called Sapphire & Steel. On the surface, it's a Doctor Who style sci-fi adventure: two agents from a mysterious source (they are apparently aliens or some other non-human beings but exactly what they are is never made clear) who are out to repair damage

If you are going to have this much Spider-Man turnover you could do worse than to: 1. Make it animated and 2. Get Lord and Miller involved! This is actually a pretty cool twist that I never expected.

I gave a clap of "that's brilliant" exactly two times in this episode. One was Jimmy making his makeshift legal document and the other was Jimmy discovering the recycling bin, which was a brilliant bit of comedy.

I'm sure someone else pointed this out already, but not only did Hamlin explain why he couldn't join in front of his cake, he took some of the cake with him. Ouch.

I'd like to see Batman: The Brave and the Bold tackled. Only a few last season episodes were covered. Failing that, hows about a return to Animaniacs or a review of the John K seasons of Ren and Stimpy.

I love that album. The fact that it is out of print is a damned crime. The best song might be the Optiganally Yours song about the Mayor https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Another great choice: The Apples in Stereo theme song. I can't think of this one without imaging an Apples in Stereo Hanna Barbera/Filmation style cartoon for them. You know, chasing each other through a series of doors and whatnot. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

But don't you see Neurozach? WE'RE ALL DEVO!

Great article. I would have liked a bit more about Something For Everybody, which I think is a fantastic album, and possibly their most accessible. Still, it's understandable, since this is really about the gateway albums and such. I like the assessment that Duty Now for the Future is imperfect but still worth

It's been a while since a historical has been done.  How about "the Gunfighters" or "the Highlanders", the latter of which is missing all of its episodes, but has its novelization adapted as a radio play.

I actually like the villain of BOSS for a couple reasons.  First, though he's sort of generic before we finally see him, when he does start talking, he's actually having fun.  More than most evil computers.

The Collector, to my knowledge, isn't the villain of Thor, but it BE MALEKITH THE ACCURSED, WHO SCARRED VISAGE WILL BE TRANSPOSED ONTO THE THESPIAN CHRISTOPHER ECCLESTON!  WHOA BE ON TO HE WHO OPPOSES HIM OR ASKS HIM TO REPRISE HIS ROLE IN DOCTOR WHO (but I really hope he does for the Day of the Doctor special).

I know this movie is a blatant ad for google, but the watermark is a bit much.

Let's go with Cosmic Interlopers
Batman: The Brave and the Bold "Legends of the Dark Mite"Star Trek TNG "Q-Pid"
Superman: The Animated Series "Mxyzptlkated"

It's cool that you are doing Season 1 of Madmen. Can we expect more "Catch up" reviews like you did with that and Gravity falls.  I'd love for you to get Adventure Time, The Inbetweeners and the Office from the beginning.

Vin is confused by the other Vin Diesel and Paul Walker  inside the table.

Some great comic book goodbyes