Johnny Unusual

OK, can we start planning the 2013 edition yet?  Here's my ideal voting arrangement:

OK, can we start planning the 2013 edition yet?  Here's my ideal voting arrangement:

So as someone who is generally ignorant of Morrisey… he's completely fucking insufferable, right? I mean, I've heard that supposedly his persona is something of… I don't know, an intentional caricature or self-parody or something of an artificial nature?  Maybe, maybe not, I don't know.  Colbert was great but geez, I

So as someone who is generally ignorant of Morrisey… he's completely fucking insufferable, right? I mean, I've heard that supposedly his persona is something of… I don't know, an intentional caricature or self-parody or something of an artificial nature?  Maybe, maybe not, I don't know.  Colbert was great but geez, I

OK, this is a deep cut since it is from a classic anime from the 80's that never got a proper North American release (although I believe it is available streaming legally subtitled on the website Crunchyroll.

OK, this is a deep cut since it is from a classic anime from the 80's that never got a proper North American release (although I believe it is available streaming legally subtitled on the website Crunchyroll.

What about the Mr Show promotional "best of"s…  I love the Incredible Fantastical News report and the fact that they REALLY nailed the 70's look.  Brilliantly done.  The other one (in which Bob and David appear on a informercial with a Shirley Jackson-esque twist) is OK, but the News report is some of my favourite

What about the Mr Show promotional "best of"s…  I love the Incredible Fantastical News report and the fact that they REALLY nailed the 70's look.  Brilliantly done.  The other one (in which Bob and David appear on a informercial with a Shirley Jackson-esque twist) is OK, but the News report is some of my favourite

Song I Want to See Covered: "Beautiful World" by Devo (though any Devo song that's not Whip It would be fine.  "Peek-a-Boo", "Jerkin' Back n Forth", "Mongoloid"  But I think if anyone wants to try to get Devo on this year vote "Beautiful World".  CAMPAIGN!)

Since Pixies came up last time (with a depressingly weak cover of "Gigantic") they ain't gonna come in again.  Too bad, because I demand a great cover of Holiday Song.  David Bowie already did the best cover ever of Cactus.

I did too.  Also, let's face it, it's Ray Parker Jr's only chance at being covered

I wish it occurred to me earlier but I think you should add a feature or at least weekly observation involving the cliffhangers.  They were one of my favourite parts about Doctor Who when watching it as a boy and I think that it would be cool to see what you think is the best cliffhanger of the storyline and why.