Raucous Dukakis

This lesbian bar doesn't have any fire exits! Enjoy your deathtrap, ladies!

So those creeps from the Egg council have gotten to you too?

In potence or impotence…

The way the steelworker says "Roscoe" when Homer introduces him to Bart - A+

Tonight, the power plant strike - argle-bargle or fooforaw?

Ah, HERE we go! Paris is no more. The famed City of Light…

I often use "win the what now" from when Lisa's talking about the phone book photo contest while Bart uses the "sturdy old camera" like a basketball, eventually spinning it on his finger.

I've always said that my favorite jokes are the ones that fall totally flat expect for one person who finds it hilarious. I'm sadly talented at such humor. With that in mind, it should be no surprise that my favorite Simpsons line is delivered by Bart's teacher in Cypress Hills - "Let's do it to it… grammar, that is."

Ted Leo Rx already covered this shit out of this. Best AV Undercover ever, IMHO.

With the stipulation that it not be a white dude with an acoustic guitar and/or pedal steel. So many open mic nights…

I always preferred "Diane" but I'm down with this.

Yes, yes, a million times, yes!

John Prine - Sam Stone

If you think that's crazy, you should see what the chicken picata dinner cost!

I was the same way, had it in HS, didn't really "get" it until college where it became a living representation of me for a couple of years.

Deer Tick does a great take on the title track too.

I like the Johnny Cash version.

I love this song but it would be a total momentum killer at most karaoke nights.

Agreed, hard to beat a nihilistic Chuck Berry homage.

Oh yeah I forgot, Dot Com. You know everything about acting because you played a bird in some stupid school play!