Raucous Dukakis

I'm gonna go ahead and be that guy and remind the esteemed writers that, much like Whoppers Junior or Attorneys General, the correct pluralization is Messes O' Potamia.

As one of the biggest Ted Leo fans this side of the Appalachains, I definitely bought tickets on his pre-2008 election tour when the Pharmacists played between Future of the Left and Against Me!. I would have been willing to stay for more of Against Me except A) their high school age fans moshed into Jodi, knocking

Killer Parties by the Hold Steady. It's album version is a nice little song but as a closer live, it feels like the end of the world.

It's not entirely about race but race is inextricably linked to how people see Kanye. "Knee jerk" is exactly the reaction that people of all colors (including black) have when they see black bodies and there's a lot of studies to prove that.

I have no problem with people who don't like his music, wish he weren't headlining, etc. I have a problem with people who take a giant megaphone to not just insult him but do so via needless personal attacks like this kid did.

Yeah, nothing racist about this. Most of the times when people don't like a festival performer they start a giant petition calling him "an insult to music fans". That's a totally reasonable reaction.


Are you serious? That makes zero sense. First of all, CD and LP are used to differentiate the forms of media, how often have you seen stories about a label releasing an album "on CD and LP"? Secondly, who the fuck would want these when the same quality audio is already easily available this bonus tracks.

Yeah, everything they touch kinda gets soaked in a sweet melancholy, even the happy stuff. They're great twilight music and great music for being somewhere new or different in your life.

"Failed" is probably too strong a word but it's hard for me to listen to Nada Surf anymore thanks to my college gf. We both were really into the band, saw them… 4? 5? times, met the guys, played "Blankest Year" every dance party - it was just the fabric of our relationship.

I always took this as another piece of Homer's oddly detailed knowledge as it was what the Romans did to Carthage after destroying the city to ensure it would never rise again, thus ending the Punic Wars.

Or at least juvenile.

Bart's esoteric comedy tastes are pretty awesome.

Yeah, you're not supposed to use a pronoun without first identifying the noun to which it refers. So pausing to add "grammar, that is" makes the sentence (at least arguably) grammatically correct.

This is a common exchange in my house.

Despite not being a teenager with PROBLEMS, I still have a desire to post this as a fb status at least once a month.

When I was your age I would have killed for tappa, tappa, tappa!


I actually used this recently when the gf noticed that "this address is spelled out in letters". She laughed so hard I kinda just wanted to take credit for it.

Oh really now, Cousin Merle!