Raucous Dukakis

Rahm doesn't have the same deep connections in IL politics to keep things humming, which is why he'll probably (by which I mean "God-willing") lose the black vote which pretty much puts him behind the eight ball. He's still acting like a dictator, he just doesn't have nearly the organization to keep people in line

Even Andy Warhol?

Don't tell us to grow up and grow out of it.

Where art thou, Toni Preckwinkle?

Because Chicagoans are like the Russians of America. For some reason they think that only a ruthless dictator can rule them effectively.

That's probably true and speaks well for the show's comedic sense. It also kinda proves my point on not having much substance in its handling of race.

Yeah, although I feel like it's willing to talk about race but doesn't have a ton to say about it. Liz's inherent personality leads to some decent explorations of gender (although I'm sure there's a million of blogs out there who would somewhat fairly label it White Woman Feminism) but with race there's not a ton of

Google tells me that was episode 11.

My favorite Liz dating response -

(No one tell him about the the mute button.)

The crab is getting aroused, shut it down!

Yeah, you get about 5-8 seconds of the song played.

NOT the Aquanaughty version? So you're one of THOSE Fort Worthians! …Fort Worthies? Gah, more like Fort Worthlessers, am I right?

Oh man, I've had this one in the chamber forever. "Where Have All The Rude Boys Gone?" by Ted Leo Rx. That riff man…

Were he still on Twitter I would be almost exclusively interested in Ben Gibbard's thoughts on Fernando Rodney. Is he frustrated because of Rodney's shaky track record and inconsistent out-pitches or because of that stupid bow and arrow thing he does?

Oh, I'd never deny that. One of the nice things about having a small fan base though is that you get more real fans because the dilettantes, trendsters and bandwagon jumpers get sucked up by sexier teams. In fact, being a Bears fan gets to me because they're the only team in town so I know that half their supporters

They sure do! If you're in Chicago, most liquor stores on the northwest or southwest sides carry it. They also just started making a Bock which isn't half bad.

You're confusing not be the one of the loudest, most obnoxious fan bases in baseball with "no one caring".

My vote would go to "Come Around" by M.I.A.

THANK YOU, Erik! I can't tell you how many times I've expressed that exact issue with "Nothing Better" and just get looked at like I'm crazy. I mean technically, he could be talking about Lacrosse but making a Lacrosse reference at that point would raise more questions than it answers.