Raucous Dukakis

Quiet, dummy!

But if you can't shake your fakery
Then kiss my muffin top

I went absolutely ape-shit over their version of Frosty the Snowman when I was 7.

For a much better punk band history song, might I suggest "Wait & See" by the Stiff Little Fingers written commemorating the departure of original drummer Brian Faloon.

Dear Boston fans - there is only one team that may be simply referred to as "the Sox" they were the Sox when you were still the Red Sockings. Their logo is just "Sox". Just as Carlton Fisk is the only Pudge, The White Sox are the only Sox. Thank you for your cooperation.

Am I crazy or wasn't A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius Eggers' debut?

Ted Leo (and that includes Tej Leo Rx(?) and Chisel).
DFW - And that means having read more than just IJ out of obligation or just a few essays.
The shows of Victor Fresco (Andy Richter Controls the Universe & Better Off Ted).
The movies of the Cohen Brothers.
The White Sox. Baseball in general (esp. pre-'60s history &

And the really frustrating thing is that so many people I know who are really good at baseball/music/writing/what-have-you do really good work with their cursory knowledge. I've always had that DFW need-to-know-all-the-things-and-think-about-them-way-too-much problem. Especially in creative endeavors I'm always blown

DMB is the classic OK band that got too popular. Like Coldplay, Dave's problem is that he'snot an utter, Nickelback-level atrocity. It's that, at his top-dollar best, he's simply "pretty good" and most of his stuff is kinda boring. There are far worse crimes until your surrounded by people demanding that your

Yes to the the first two, OMG yes!

I'm a recovering pop snob too. For myself I realized that I cared so much about "good" and "cool" versus "lame" and "bad" as a kid because of my utter geek status. Goddamit, the kids who listened to the Katy Perry equivalents from when I was a kid may not have allowed me to socialize with them and treated me like an

Yeah but you're not really making any arguments about WHY you hate it other than that "it's spread like cancer" and "it's terrible". This speaks to the "I like every kind of music but X" thing from above. It's shows less a considered opinion than an acceptance of some larger stereotype.

I don't even mind it about SOME things. I have friends who are design fiends. They talk about mid-century couches and shit and I just got nothing. But I love that they can care so much about something like that.

Or be that guy, I guess. But, especially as a fellow white male, I would argue that you might consider finding a way of realizing things that there are things that you don't get/don't wanna try/don't appeal to you without having to shit all over those things.

Just the fact that you call it rap rather than hip-hop indicates to me that you've never really given it an honest chance. If you don't wanna spend your time trying to get into hip-hop, that's cool. Life is finite, I get it. But don't be that guy who "hates" things they know nothing about.

But that's when they started letting all the ladies and dark people make things! Are you saying their voices somehow bring something worthwhile to the medium?

Perhaps "dealbreaker" is too strong a word but one thing that never fails to confound me is people who never get really into anything. Like, they have favorite bands/authors/etc. but their devotion is only really skin deep.

This has to be #2.

Oh well, that's leprosy for you.

My mother tried to ban the word in our house after hearing the "this both sucks and blows" line. Unsuccessfully.