Raucous Dukakis

I'm still not used to it, but dammit if she isn't still as beguiling as ever. I try to not be too creepy about artists who happen to also be pretty women but Annie Clark is one of those people that just always makes me swoon a little. And then even with the Einstein hair, half of her appeal is her calculated, utterly

Packers fan and cool are antithetical concepts.

THANK you! Although Lydia probably wishes that Indestructible Machine was her first… hey who hasn't been talked into a making an overproduced Nashville-style album when they were 15, amirite?

My aunt works for HBO and she went to some sort of meeting where Oliver previewed the show for the company. Someone asked him who he wanted his first guest to be. He replied, I think Obama and Oprah, I'd like to start with the Os."

You mean OutKast is finally coming back to Chicago to perform exclusively at Lolla?

Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone (Highway 61 Revisited)
The Modern Lovers - Roadrunner (The Modern Lovers)
The Replacements - I Will Dare (Let It Be)
Pixies - Debaser (Doolittle)
Ted Leo & the Pharmacists - Biomusicology (Tyranny of Distance)

I somewhat agree. Roger Ebert had a nice paen to the unrecognized nerds of the world, which makes me a little more melancholy the older I get.

Still boarded up, which boggles my mind. Of all the locations on all the streets to have THAT storefront at THAT part of Milwaukee vacant…

Well with the announcement that the Onion/AV Club is no longer a physical thing, I would have to say this "paper". My dad was cool with it, he'd grab me the new issue every week and starting in the late '90s and right through my HS graduation in 2005, the paper Onion was my constant school day boredom-buster.

With all due respect, Mr. Taylor, this isn’t the best time for your unique brand of bittersweet folk rock.

"genre excursions such as these never seem like genuine directions for the band and therefore come off as inessential novelties."
"Barnes seems to want to take another stab at styles he gave short shift to in the infancy of his catalog, which produces slightly less compelling results."

As a fan of both shows, it's pretty obvious that they're both "original", AD is more structurally innovative while BB is more innovative in terms of its characters and moral universe.

How have we not talked about the Dismemberment Plan yet?

That's the homeOWNER tax.

The best is the deleted scene on the DVD that comes after that line.

The Germans are not a warlike people but even THEY have their limits…

…noooo it's a liquor bottle. Johnny Reb, early 1970s, one of the J & R Whiskey "Liquor Lads." Two books of green stamps, if I'm not mistaken.

They took our best names like Erwin and Julian! Those were the best names we had and they're just…

The Ballad of El Goodo is pretty hard to top. No one wants to go out on a sad note and that songs ranks pretty high on my list of "music for when everything seems like complete and utter shit" playlist.

Also one of the most bleakly endearing running bits from the Wire… regardless of that, a good choice.