Raucous Dukakis

Ted Leo & the Pharmacists - Biomusicology

I was lucky enough to meet Roger Ebert as a child. My father helped publish his books and so I was introduced briefly and he seemed very nice, like many of your parents' friends when you're a child, nbd.

This is exact distillation of the feeling I have on a pretty much daily basis when reading the news.

Haha, so I should start with the first album, Strageways or Louder Than Bombs, got it!

Maybe it's the humor, maybe its the delivery but I always get the sense of him REVELING in the misery, devouring it like a fine meal in a way that I always just found off-putting.

Man, the Smiths (and Morrissey) have had so much adulation poured on them at this point that I always shy away from trying to get into them beyond the few songs I already know. I know they wrote great innovative pop song but their whole sad-sack drama club thing never appealed to me much. When I felt angry and

Is it just me or are their literally way too many good bands on there? You could easily go to Bonnaroo, watch bands morning to night and miss two fesitvals worth of great acts.

Through the looking glass inasmuch we've entered a world in which one could conceive of the Knicks ruling.

In my job I end up working with a lot of grandmother's who clearly only got the internet because their kids forced them for email purposes many years ago. They are all about 30% proficient in skills such as "send," "receive" or "open attachment" (God help you if their kids didn't download Adobe for them) and AOL and

Indeed. It's impossible to look at fun. and conclude that the way to make money as a great songwriter/band is to take great melodies and water down everything else (song structure, lyrics, etc.) that made your music interesting by about 30% and blamo, "We Are Young" becomes a thing.

Oh dear, you seemed to have forgotten "One Night Stand" by Chicago's beloved Scotland Yard Gospel Choir. Chugging guitars married with wonderfully witty sad sack lyrics like "you say you don't believe in love? Well listen, you don't have to for what I've got in mind for me an you." How can you deny this megahit?

Man, Kevin Barnes.

My interactions with OMR are mostly as a concert listings/previews generator. Seems like a low-cost way to provide similar info that the AVC Locals might do. It's a sad, substitute for actual AV Club content but cheap aggregators over quality content is pretty much the new 21st century standard, isn't it?

Do they have to pay full price? If so then I guess that's legit.

I'm enjoying this. Let's all recount the hair color of ourselves and immediate family.

I'm really dubious that anyone will be able to pull off a decent cover of we didn't start the fire without sounding like Dwight.

Feist surprised me an fucking tore the house down. And Vampire Weekend actually turned into a pretty good live outfit, I was surprised.

Exactly, they'll be OK. I've got nothing against well-executed pop they just don't strike me as a band really designed to grab you by the throat the way a good festival headliner should. They seem more like a nice late-afternoon cool-down band. Something you chill to in the back while recovering your strength for the

It's one of the three albums by them I have on my mp3 player. I've apparently listened to it four times but I always just throw them on when I need reading music in the background.