Raucous Dukakis

Mine is called Puppy-Lined Jacket.

Scratch Hasid

Yeah, she sounds pretty good, actually. I just can't resist a good Simpsons reference.

Yeah, I think I join TSSOH and 99% of the AVC in seconding this sentiment.

Yeah, I'm especially surprised to be schilling so hard for Fleet Foxes now, when I was all "they're ok, but not great" in 2008. Oh well, this critical divergence of opinion with my own merely proves again my rare and unique genius at liking music.

Good to hear. It's been a rough year for hip-hop with G-Side as a rare bright spot. Plus two of the better albums iSLANDS and undun are just showing up now, almost too late for the party.

Wow, can't remember the last time my own list diverged so heavily from the AVC's. Notable exclusions for me tUnE-yArDs (album of the year, IMHO), Fleet Foxes, Fountains of Wayne, G-Side, EMA, Le Butcherettes just to name a few. This hasn't been the best year for music, but it's wasn't as bad as this list makes it out

Just saw the show last night and it was as good as anything I'd seen this year. After reading this interview and learning about her history with eating issues and self-confidence because onstage she was easily one of the most self-possessed performers going and the crowd just fed of her energy and ideas, especially

Gotta say I love the album title.

Don't worry, Xenu, the camera adds ten pounds to everyone.

Where the fuck is the Steve Wikos vote?

Anyone bustin' out Bill Withers covers is doing better than OK.

To be fair, that was actually Cody Chestnutt.

Yeah, I read that and it made me really sad. I was gonna go see them at Reggie's but now I'm not sure… the only song I've heard so far is "Miss K" and it's fucking great though.

The only part of that story that confused me is how anyone could love either of them in the first place. I don't get the obsession with this movie. Neither Levitt or Deschanel are at all appealing, even when they get together, they do nothing that makes you want to root for their love (anyone who falls for someone at

Well-said. Blue Valentine was amazing for being unafraid to perfectly portray the most heartbreaking but also weirdly reaffirming of all human conditions - wanting desperately to hold onto something that was once amazing but knowing that you can't and you're gonna have to crawl through broken glass for a while instead.

I mean, pretty much all the Alpha Couple songs are just one continuous falling-out-of-love story. For my money, I'll take something from AHWT, either "Fault Lines" or "The Mess Inside".

Couldn't agree more, Sam. Although I think his best songs are more the unrequited variety (see: "The Saturday Boy" and "Must I Paint You A Picture?") But for my money, I'd go with his version of "Walk Away Renee". It's really just him telling a falling out of love story over the Left Banke guitar pattern but it's

Goddammit Kanye, stick to your guns! I'd rather you be an asshole who makes fun of Taylor Swift and George Bush than half-ass it and make nice later.