Raucous Dukakis

It earned my top vote too… surprised that Sharon Van Etten was so low though.

You'll judge them on VORP, WARP and WXLR and be goddamn happy for the privilege!

Never have I hated Jeter or the Yankees more than on that play. At least they had the decency to lose in dramatic fashion in the 2001 world series. THAT, was a thing of beauty.

Double plus good.

Instead Of This
You should have gone to the mall they destroyed with the cop cars instead. That old wreck still stands at about 150th & Dixie Highway in Harvey. God knows what's inside at this point, but that would have some FLAVOR.

Ted Leo - Tyranny of Distance through Brutalist Bricks
Mountain Goats - Let's say Coroner's Gambit through Sunset Tree
Pixies - Come On Pilgrim is close enough to an album and I'll fight anyone who says Bossanova and Trompe le Monde aren't at least B+ albums!

Yeah, I'm getting adjusted to the vocals and DCTL is blowing my freakin' brain open. I've also started spinning The Chemistry of Common Life a lot too. So far Fucked Up and Tune-Yards are running away in terms of album of the year for me.


Goddamn It
This is getting such universally good reviews, I'll probably have to check them out before Pitchfork in a few weeks. I'm already gonna be running around all weekend, now I've got another critically-acclaimed act with "a perfect storm of rap swagger, political poetry, and cultural crypticisms" that sound

Why it gotta be a "black" comedy?

Re: Devolution
The crunch is coming - devolution from a global to small regional based economies is the only way to avoid a catastrophic crisis and resource wars that could destroy the great powers!

Tyranny of Distance
Ted Leo Rx's first full length also came out in 2001. Eclectic, ramshackle songs with incredible lyrics, "folk stretched so taut it becomes punk". One of my favorite albums of the decade, easy.

Don't start here, start with Bang Bang Rock 'n Roll or It's A Bit Complicated (my personal fav). This album is ok, but easily their worst.

I don't know what I agree with less, Gately (BTW, don't besmirch Infinite Jest with your ill-informed hyperbole)'s assessment of Art Brut or Phil's assessment of Frank Black. Listen to Frank Black and Teenager of the Year and then get back to us.

Dammit! (Only slightly) Too late!

0 Reasonable Discussions Are Occuring
…aaaand scene.

I love the Phil subplot. He's always been a funny, but very one-dimensional character so far, the idea that he has an only mildly submerged dark side is not only hilarious, but somewhat redeeming.

The Postal Service is a perfectly pleasant with a few really nice moments, which is generally how I feel about most Gibberdalia (including his wife). That being said, I will forever associate this album with an ex of mine who would drag me out to girls nights with her friends where they would drink tea and have dance

If you got a blacklist, I wanna be on it
How do I get in on this sweet action? I've already said some pretty heinously derogatory things about Michelle Bachman, if that helps…

Yes, FoW is inane, unlike Matchbox 20, Jason Mraz, 3 Doors Down or Michele Branch. Wow.