
Sounds like a perfect storm of assholery….

BUY ME as an actor of enduring relevance …

We're talking personal vendetta versus legal punishment.  Along that line, may I suggest skinning alive like in Martyrs … ?

Erasers on stun!

There ain't no cure for love …

These people are a threat to *all* culture …

M2: Machinist in the City

Leroy - you can look at this & say that … ?

Or a contradiction in terms … like 'military intelligence' …

Fay Grimm

Written about Stevay Nicks …

Right, Archmage, throw in an Elf & your post wins the trifecta of TMI….

@Limeade - let that firmament divide those waters, if ya know what I mean … *nudge nudge, wink wink*

Gauephat - now that I've reread your comments searching in vain for signs you've actually read Slaughterhouse 5, two observations come to mind:

'It was fuck at first sight.'

What are you doing except applying today's standards to an older atrocity … ?

WU just woke up one day to find itself in the midwest … & still obsessing over T.S. Eliot….

I guess what pleases me is to know that Indianapolis claims him … that would be enough even if they did not celebrate him….

No doubt not being anywhere near it at the time aids in your diminution of same….

It's been fascinating watching the slow stripping away of services at this joint - first friend features, then avatars (all reviews are now anonymous). That's okay, I only joined in the first place because of the huge selection. Now they're going after that. They think I won't notice but I do. Once Netflix