
Custer was a pussy … best line ever….

You're actually talking about The Obvious Child … the drum section is Olodum … he recorded them on a square in Brazil using a really long extension cord….

Willful accounts for 100% of the cultural ignorance I have …

Brimley having the s**t kicked out of him was a highlight of The Firm …

Brimley having the s**t kicked out of him was a highlight of The Firm …

If it weren't for those limped blue eyes Charlie would have nothing going for her.  And why don't people ride mountain bikes in the future?

If it weren't for those limped blue eyes Charlie would have nothing going for her.  And why don't people ride mountain bikes in the future?

Is it me or is that just like a Magibon still … ?

Is it me or is that just like a Magibon still … ?

What, no love for Dreams in the Witch House?

What, no love for Dreams in the Witch House?

Disgusting … enjoy your skittles….

Disgusting … enjoy your skittles….

What hate crime legislation appears not to have taken into consideration was a future in which competiton is so fierce to be considered a victim….

What hate crime legislation appears not to have taken into consideration was a future in which competiton is so fierce to be considered a victim….

@avclub-5e920dca2fbeb852c6ec52cb2f27af02:disqus  … or justly arrested….

@avclub-5e920dca2fbeb852c6ec52cb2f27af02:disqus  … or justly arrested….

It's been a while since I saw the flick but what I remember best is the showdown between Fonda & Klugman.  It's the victory over a loud-mouth bully that is highlighted (echoes of WWII?) against which guilt or innocence is a secondary matter….

It's been a while since I saw the flick but what I remember best is the showdown between Fonda & Klugman.  It's the victory over a loud-mouth bully that is highlighted (echoes of WWII?) against which guilt or innocence is a secondary matter….

It seems like Drew Cary had a one-episode crush on Peter Frampton … then another one-episode crush on Joe Walsh…. not that there's anything wrong with that….