
It seems like Drew Cary had a one-episode crush on Peter Frampton … then another one-episode crush on Joe Walsh…. not that there's anything wrong with that….

Well, at least now we know what happened to the girl in L'Avventura …

Well, at least now we know what happened to the girl in L'Avventura …

& those Brythonics! … don't get me started….

& those Brythonics! … don't get me started….

Julia Duggy?

'Seven years of college down the drain … '.

right, on the Isle of Lesbos, where she & Scarlett Johanssen will wrestle 8-dicked octopi….

heresybythought - I sure hope you don't think the 70s are the 40s …

So … The Rifleman went after little Megan, did he?  The fiend!

Satan: Hell is … myself.
Sartre: l'inferne - c'est les autres.

Placeholder - Wallonia is 'the predominantly French speaking southern region of Belgium ' now, blast away….

No doubt sung to Buffy & Jody as a bedtime lullaby …

Demi Moore & Dinty Moore.  Also: Dennis Moore …

I kind of hate to say it, but Rufus Wainwright may be the best overall male interpreter of Leonard Cohen songs out there.  That is, when he's not changing the lyrics … which is not always for the better….

Cohen does love the straight-on shots …

'Democracy is coming to the USA'

Sevigny's?  Try Moore's … crimped like they're vising Ashton's nutsack …

Hm, hipsters are just like teabaggers …

It was the film that introduced me to Harlan Ellison … like you say, pretty fully realized, maybe even more so than the story which is more like the sketch of a story …