
Rented a tent, rented a tent …

I would not have thought it possible - a G2G on Vonnegut that omits any mention of The Sirens of Titan! Oh, I see, that's a subtle psychological way to guide people to the very book unmentioned….

Hes 2 lillel …

You got to admit …
Sammy Hagar wore parachute pants like nobody else … & let's face it he did parachute in them….

@Avatar - Pop culture saw itself in the mirror … that stuff is so hilarious it's scary.

Because it was working just to say in a neighborly way, 'Please don't fuck my cow'….

This is the first I've heard of its being a failure …

Brown Girl in the Ring
Boney M

The main point of this thread ought to be to make nice to the Beliebers … those little fuckers are crazy & there's thousands of 'em!

Pacino: "We gotta find out who's doing all these murders."

Some good advice here … mind if I throw another variable in the mix? How do you schedule the fuckin'/eatin'/fartin'?

4-Track Demos = thumbs up

If only he could have found Courtney Cox out there …

Kutcher's 'breakout' is a variation of the Urkel/Screech phenomenon … whatever that means….

silly Irish person …

I need to put this in my Netflix queue. I remember seeing it & liking it at the time but damned if I remember anything else …

What, no love for Starman?

@thewarfreak - no, Snickers quoted an old M*A*S*H episode …

Oh no you di'n't!
- Miss Scarlett
- In the bedroom
- With the candlestick …

Like Amerika?