
Great interview!
It's - how you say - laconic.

Worst Shakespeare play is Pericles of Tyre. Not clear it's even Shakespeare.

I'm going to watch this …
for the part where Ned Pepper runs a bolt through Mattie Ross's brain….

If you think you've got your kitty trained …
then go ahead, bitch, fall asleep in front of it….

Can't be sure, but I think I glimpsed her legs too once or twice …

Why all the skepticism? Like there's no such thing as identity theft, like Quaid is a deadbeat (Capitol One alone ought to be paying the bills … ).

Not to me, they don't. They say 'look at this really fucking righteous scenery that Hank's walking around muttering to himself in front of, look at this really fucking righteous scenery that Marion is bitch-dragging Maureen O'Hara across.' I've not seen 'How Green Was My Valley' but I'm sure there's some people in

No. & yes.

Mike D'Angelo
I can appreciate your using John Ford as a lead-in to your talk about claustrophobia. But holy cow, did you have to give him so much credit? Take Monument Valley out of a John Ford movie & what's left is CRAP.

7 Men from Now
Is that, like, Paris Hilton for 'tomorrow'?

The Killers kill …
The Beatles beat …
The Rolling Stones … roll stones

Did anyone else notice how …
the cast raids the 4th Die Hard movie?

Noel …
Quixotic, I believe, is the word you're looking for….

streaming Netlix
Just watched the entire series start to finish … started at 7 in the evening, went to bed around 4 AM. All the time I kept thinking, 'I'm so glad this is on DVD, I could never stay tuned from week to week … ' which I think says something. Long story short, that's the way to do it….

"Karma, bitches" - somehow that says it all for me.

Re: Kodachrome
1:39 - in case anyone wants to cut to the chase …

Nonsense. It sounds like Japanese cigarette commercial music until you listen to the lyrics. Then it's one of the more darkly humorous hooks around …

This tattoo stuff just gave me an insight … you don't have to be drunk to enjoy the Boondock Saints, you just have to be Irish.

Good Will Hunting 3: I Got to See About A Girl

Jesus, what is this movie about?
Willem captures my sentiment exactly …