
My aim is true …
Those have to be the edgiest 4 words in all Pop Musicdom.

Long after the thrill of living is gone … divorce is just a chore.

I got a better idea, Monger, let's get you drunk & find a donkey to do a person show….

Portrait of Fear
I keep waiting to see this one resurrected …

You had me at Bellucci …

People … who hate people … are the luckiest people….

@ Simon & tea…

Racism is as old as dirt. If you can get over the idea that the current era is any exception (a firmly entrenched one, it would seem) you might just find yourself enjoying these clips, warts & all. May future generations only be so kind towards ours….

These guys are like an early South Park …

Hail, hail Freedonia!
Land of the brave & free …

It's sad how some people don't have that chord in them that can be strummed by Nora Jones (insert innuendo here). I can't say I listen to her with any regularity - don't own an album for that matter - but when she comes on I always perk up (insert innuendo here). I mean, really, how much coloratura can anyone stand?!

This comment thread says everthing that needs to be said about the Megan Fox backlash … (high point = random guy).

Let's get that album together
The people who should cover Prine already have covered Prine: Midler, Yoakam, Denver….

photogirl3 - I myself had to scroll back up & check the by-line, it sounded so much like Amelie, so haterrific….

I'm finding that the satire of ST sinks in deeper over time & with repeated viewings. This is a classic flick, all right….

@Celebith - that's not how Hornsby told it in concert. He said he gave Henley the piano riff - then just basically stepped back & let him rip…. All versions I see have a co-write between both.

Admit it, we love dirty laundry …

How could I forget you, Keith? The world is a much better place just knowing one other person HATES HATES HATES the Boondock Saints.

Clare, Josh, Kyle, Steve
I am a much calmer person today for having read your comments….

Excellent inventory. Examples well considered, well evaluated. Thanks A/V club….