
Seems fair
They give us Al-Qaeda, we give them Sex & the City….

HDB - Wild guess, you're over 12 years old … ?

substitute Taxi for Cat's in the Cradle …

Tell you what, Noel …
If the light doesn't matter, like you hope, then the series will be missing one tried-and-true dramatic twist when someone steps in at the last second & saves Jack from having to be Guardian for (of?) Eternity - leaving him free to … what? … fuck Kate some more. I don't know….

As an indirect remake, Bad Lt: POCNO at least avoids the remake paradigm whereby the chicks in the car who helped him whack off fall out of love with Harvey Keitel….

give me a break …
If Graceland raised 'all kinds of questions of cultural appropriation,' it did so only among the idiot demographic.

Unite the Hate
Am I wrong to want the hate clarified. Is it BK, for bringing on brunch. Or is it the Campaign For A Commercial Free Childhood, for suggesting children need no early alcoholic training?

You forgot about joyless harpy …

Bless you, Amelie
But don't you suppose some of those 'crazed SATC fans' might be women?

Evil hobo in River's Edge?!

big time, bro …

Like in Boondock Saints …

She & her BFF acidentally bring down Richard Nixon …

Now do Charlotte's twat …

That should mystify everyone …

This show is starting to remind me of the Iraq War …
Too many false alarms & people screaming at you in opposite directions. Be glad when it's over.

conspicuous failure
Did anyone really expect otherwise …

Marlowe - don't forget that line was set up to rhyme with 'acute case' … not a rhyme that was exactly just sitting there….

Nice list
I'm not sure I get the premise - Zevon was always his own fictional character - but it's nice to see the oeuvre celebrated.

rabbit => Easter => Jesus Christ => resurrection => Dark Ages => Renaissance => Jerry Falwell => abortion clinic bombings => pregnancy test => rabbit