
I used to love reading the recaps of that show on Television Without Pity, simply because of the way they highlighted the "HoYay" factor ("Homoeroticism! Yay!") in every episode. It actually made me keep watching the show, just so I could spot those moments of barely repressed sexual tension between Lex and Clark for

Ludivine Sagnier as Tinkerbell FTW.

I thought it might be a particulalrly cruel new confrontational talk show, where instead of subjecting cheating partners to lie detector tests, they starved them until they confessed. If they're eventually proven innocent after weeks and weeks of suffering they are given a tiny statue of Tracey Gold, made out of real

I have a soft spot for movies about the Antichrist, but I have to say he's almost always disappointing. More often than not he's just a slightly-more-evil-than-usual corporate douchebag. :(


Well, I enjoyed it, and I'll be watching it again, and there's nothing you goddam hipsters can do to stop me!!!

Interesting juxtaposition of comment and avatar there.

For extra nerd points:

Clearly you've never been woken by bagpipes at six in the morning. I envy you.

FACT: Ellen Page has man testicles… stored in jars on a shelf over her bed.

Dammit! I'd almost managed to convince myself I didn't care about scifi anymore, and then you have to go and remind me how much I used to enjoy this series, and how much I covet the DVD boxset… if only for the episode that's basically a rave-era acid-flashback set on an alien planet, where Gigi Edgley juggles fire.

Well, there was always something quite pervy/sleazy about Lexx (not that I'm complaining), which may have hampered it being embraced by a wider audience. In the same way that Barbarella wasn't quite as big a money-spinner as Star Wars.

I agree. It's always refreshing when a sci-fi or fantasy show has "alien" characters who aren't just people in make-up. It add more variety and depth to the fictional universe. Obviously it's harder to get a puppet (or a completely faceless creature) to emote convincingly, but the Henson peeps have been making us care

As long as Ted and The Other Guy die horribly in the season premiere, to be replaced by a wacky wise-cracking robo-pilot, then I'm cool with this twist.

No, she's a unique rebel! She listens to Bikini Kill and eats tofu, dammit!

I'm seeing Miley Cyrus in a pair of fake glasses and paint-splattered overalls, desperately trying to convince everyone she's "indie" now.

Just had an idea for a film script: Fixins, a quirky rom-com set in a quirky restaurant that only serves side dishes. The title refers both to the food the quirky main characters bond over, and also their friends' quirky attempts to "fix them up" as a couple. Quirky!

More likely they'll be bugging their eyes and shouting all of their dialogue.

Under the old commenting system I would have tried to make a joke here about wanting to get my hands on Zooey Deschanel's "bells"… but I'm too scared of being deleted to try it under the new system. :(

Aw… bless.