
Wonder where this will fall on The Tolerability Index….?

I think you may just need glasses.

I just hope they don't witness a mob hit and have to go on the run. Happens to me every other weekend, and it's getting to be pretty darn inconvenient.

Tintin huffers

I'm just catching up with this show, but I'd say that the problem with Lori isn't just down to the actress. Like in one of the episodes I've just watched, she didn't thank Shane for risking his life to save her son (which I guess is excusable given their history), and she didn't thank Glen for bringing her back a

Sounds like just the sort of thing I'd enjoy being irritated by, in my sad masochistic way.

Thanks! Have to say there are some fascinating discussions occurring on this page. Glad I clicked on this review!

"….his bizarre, quasi- female empowerment fantasies, which manage to be both anti-male and anti-feminist."

Group hug!!!

Especially if he talks like the Cookie Monster poster we have here. "Me say, consider how lilies grow…"

It's a Festivus miracle!

All I did was say to my wife, "That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah!"

American Thanksgiving… known in the UK as "Dammit, There Aren't Any New Articles To Read, Now I'll Have To Go And Do Some Work" Day. :(

Why the hell is a guy with a red-headed wife using that slur anyway? Shame on him.

In the event of fappage, mace canisters will drop from the ceiling.

When I read the description above I assumed that "eagle-headed" just meant he had a bald head and a big nose or something… but no, he literally has the head of an eagle! That's just bizarre.

Hells yeah… so long as they get Garofalo back as well. Heather Mooney was the best!

I remember during them.


This is what I hated about the UK version of Deal Or No Deal, where they'd waste time looking through the contestant's family photos and mascots, and pretending to care about their medical histories and bereavements. JUST GET ON AND OPEN THE BOXES, DAMMIT!!! WIN SOME MONEY AND HAVE A BIG PARTY!!! JUST SHUT UP!!!