
War is Peace!
Freedom is Slavery!
Whitney is Community!


Does Sarah Carter roller-blade in a bikini at any point? Or play beach volleyball? Because that's the only kind of Carter I can approve of.

And if you can't trust a viking duck, who can you trust?

Your mum is a gender-neutral indefinite antecedent!

Haven't seen this episode, but I want to give it an "A" just for having Ambush Bug in it. If they'd included The Heckler as well, I'd have given it an A+++!

I was stroking Dick Van Dyke.

They should make a movie out of that old RoboCop arcade game. That was totally boss.

I would say the writers here need to get out more and interact with real human beings, rather than trying to befriend TV shows, but that would seem laughably hypocritical in my case. So, I'll just start chatting to my old Seinfeld boxsets instead…

At least she never covered "Common People".

"Gravy Fever" sounds like a euphemism for something, and I'm pretty sure I don't want it, whatever it is.

I always assumed they'd wanted to call it "American Gothic", but couldn't because that title was already taken by a much loved (and missed) supernatural show.

Clearly these so-called environmentalists are just fishing for free passes to see the finished masterpiece before everyone else! Why else would anyone profess to hold the sanctity of human/animal life higher than the golden gifts of Sylvester Stallone's muse? Such piffle!

"His name is Hank… Hanks Giving."

I feel absolutely no guilt about enjoying (and owning) Smokin' Aces… even if it was voted one of the worst movies of the year at this site.

Love her, and very much enjoyed this interview. Especially the stuff about "guilty pleasures", which I totally agree with.


And adverts for people who buy gold! Precious, precious gold.

"Have you ever been frustrated that Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have had a monopoly on political comedy and commentary?"

I did feel genuine disappointment when I started noticing AV Club critics slamming things that I enjoyed, or recommending things that I despise… but you're right, it's something we just have to accept… and I have to stop making mean jokes in my head about Scott hating fun.