
Well, obviously if people don't like She & Him as a concept, they aren't going to like this album either… but as someone who enjoys the band's style, I thought pretty much all of the other tracks were quite lovely. "The Christmas Waltz", "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" and "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"

First Heller dismisses the albums Anthrax recorded with John Bush, then the whole "Best of 2011" debacle, and now Hyden & Koski deliberately pick the worst (or at least the most arguably creepy) song off the She & Him album, just so they can trash our beloved Zooey Deschanel.

But then he goes and spoils it by being all snarky about her writing. Clearly he's from the "treat 'em mean" school of seduction…

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country"

Then they kill Chestnut on the property, so they can keep him around forever, and never have to worry about feeding him!

Dibs on Todd's latte.

But that movie's so salty!

That story needs an Edward Norton character, to follow the good-looking guy home and pummel his face in… or maybe the good-looking guy is the Edward Norton character who wants his best friend to pummel his face in?

Only if it centres around someone preparing to assassinate the Prime Minister.

And I'd never stop to admire the sunset in real life.

Henry Kissinger?


I know this is all totally subjective, and I shouldn't let it get me down, but the fact that Britney Spears is on this list and PJ Harvey isn't, makes me very sad. Jason Heller and Evan Rytlewski are each permitted to take a cookie from the virtual jar, but the rest of you should be ashamed of what you've done here

Watching from the shadows, wearing the faces of his previous "girlfriends" over their own…

They're clearly working with "Achmed the Dead Terrorist" to destroy everything we in the West hold dear!!!

America: Liked, but not well-liked.

It was a video will!

Ah yes… Maggie in her underwear, Laura in that little black dress, and Colette (theoretically) naked… you can't say they aren't trying to attract new viewers!

This episode was a lot closer to the sort of show I was expecting after the pilot, so I found it quite enjoyable (in parts), even if it was still pretty flawed. Maggie's storyline was particularly fun, and I was glad to see the beardy beatnik character return, even if he was a bit of a one-note stereotype.

Sagnier was so cute as Tinkerbell, she made me seriously mull over the logistics of "dating" a fairy… but that's a discussion for another time…