
Gershon has played with Rufus Wainwright and Scissor Sisters and is therefore officially cool as fuck. Not to mention being smoking hot, and a fine actress. I suggest anyone who disagrees meet me in the town square, pistols ready.

At this point I'm still too sleepy to even wrap my head around the concept… but it has the potential to be pretty awesome.

Every weekend can be a vagina?

Zombies can talk if you train them right. But you have to reward them… that's the key!

If I ever run for office, I think I'll use that as my campaign slogan… "Every day can be a penis!"

Carey Mulligan
I wish she'd give me an education…

His candle burned out long before his legend ever will…

They're fools if they think they can ever make the public forget Nick Moran!

I assume…
the next announcement down the shit-pipe will be that they're making a movie of the "Muskehounds", with creepy animals in costumes and crappy CGI FX. And a Will.i.am cover of the theme music. Oh, the humanity!

Around here we call him "William Horatio Joel".

Iron Maiden ruined Wolfsbane. Discuss.

I'm looking forward to reading the foreword by Rachel Dratch, in which she discusses how her career was given a whole new lease of life when her surname become a meme on these boards.

No, silly… she stole a child and then hid him in her tummy, so the police wouldn't find him and they'd never take him away from her. She feeds him through a tube that runs up through her bellybutton. Obviously he can't watch the movie, but if she holds her belly up to the speaker, at least he can enjoy the sounds and

Better than "Super Bomberman"? I find that hard to believe.

Who does Jason Statham play in this one?

But Zeus said "No!"
You'd better let me, use my lightning like scissors.
Like I cut the legs off the whales, and dinosaurs into lizards.

Or an Indian Walgreens?

I salute you, sir.

A wry cat, with an insatiable hunger for lasagne?

Alvin & The Log Lady: Twin Peakquel