
That's how I read Stuart's reaction.  And Raj isn't socially adept at his best so his invite could have just been a clumsy way of asking Stuart if he wanted to pal around. 

I took took Raj's invite to Stuart as someone asking a friend if they'd like to hang out and Stuart's comment as basically "well, there's worse than hanging out with Raj".

I took took Raj's invite to Stuart as someone asking a friend if they'd like to hang out and Stuart's comment as basically "well, there's worse than hanging out with Raj".

As always, Mike had the best lines butI think Gomie's Cheshire-Cat grin when they busted the lawyer was the best moment of the episode.

As always, Mike had the best lines butI think Gomie's Cheshire-Cat grin when they busted the lawyer was the best moment of the episode.

You last comment has me wondering…if a final stand off occurs between Jesse and Walter wouldWalter's ego demand that he spell out just how much he's played Jesse like a fiddle to where he reveals he poisoned Brock. 

You last comment has me wondering…if a final stand off occurs between Jesse and Walter wouldWalter's ego demand that he spell out just how much he's played Jesse like a fiddle to where he reveals he poisoned Brock. 

They definitely showed the dirt bike kid take a bullet and hit the ground. 
I'd have to go back but I think Andrea's brother (Combo's killer) was killed off-screen.

They definitely showed the dirt bike kid take a bullet and hit the ground. 
I'd have to go back but I think Andrea's brother (Combo's killer) was killed off-screen.

I thought Marie had a good moment as well when she said something along the line about if Holly's first words were anything Hank had been prompting her to say that she'd beat Hank to death with her shoe.

I thought Marie had a good moment as well when she said something along the line about if Holly's first words were anything Hank had been prompting her to say that she'd beat Hank to death with her shoe.

The only bad part about the scenes with Jaquen and Arya is that they eventually do end.  I imagine there's no shortage of communications from fans asking for a reunion of sorts.  But,  given the expansive geography of the story world unless Arya stays put through books 6 and 7 it would seem like a real stretch to make

For all of Bernadette's dad's reasons for disliking Howard I'm surprised that Howard's overall sleezeball-ness wasn't sufficient enough.

You are correct that the single does kick in right with the horns and I will admit that those do grab attention.  However, and perhaps it's my ears vs. actually reality but the single still seems a little "glossier/smoothed out" compared to the LP version.

Wonderful song but it is arguably one whose strength exists only in the album version as the "single" removes the whole mood-building intro (bass lead in, freaky apocalyptic ramblings and Curtis's intro/scream). 
Without that initial set-up it's still a good song but it doesn't carry the same "otherness" as lyrically

In the book she seemed more like she just enjoyed busting Theon's balls given that her station rose well above his own.   She does seem to be much more intentionally malicious in lording it over him in the series.

Deleted as I just saw insouciantingenue pretty much made the same comments regarding the loss of Loras's Brianne-hate.

I'm a little disappointed at the minimizing of the Hound this season.   They've definitely done away with the "tortured soul" characterization and  it looks like they've done away with his little "crush" on Sansa to where all he does is cover her up after Jeffrey's Kingsguard slaps her around.

After Boyd's release last night I was starting to wonder if there's an arc on how long Justified is supposed to run.  I believe the creators of Breaking Bad always said their story had a set length so I was wondering if there's ever been official word that Justifed is scripted to run "x" seasons.

I don't know that Tyrion can be that taken aback by the morals of his world.  His father did effectively allow ( I can't remember if he expressly ordered it ) for Rhaegar's children to be slaughtered so it's not like the idea is that removed from him.