
It seems like they've being doing the big mindf*ck/show-piece as the second to last episode (Baelor and Blackwater).  Without looking at the actual show titles I could see the RW being episode 9 if they stick to that pattern.  .

So who did Rast go all Jack the Ripper on towards the end?  After Mormont fell Rast paused and then grabbed a small knife and started tenderizing the hell out of something.   I thought is was Mormont which would make it pretty hard for him to have any death bed speech.
Was it Mormont or Craster?

I thought "little bird/little dove" was a derogratory reference (at least on Sandor's part) to her singing her pretty little songs that people told/expected her to sing (My dad was a traitor, I love my psychotic fiance/non-fiancee).  

I don't know.  Roose Bolton and his evil little spawn give Jamie a pretty good run in the "jerk" sweepstakes

Late in posting but the closing number was "Sunset" by Roxy Music.  Pretty late chronologically for it to fit in for the time as the parent album  (Stranded) was released in the early/mid 70's

Re: Raylan's mother - Last season Limehouse said something to Raylan regarding his mother along the lines that Frances didn't head to the 'holler just for protection from Arlo.   I could be wrong but I took that to mean that Arlo wasn't the only man who shared a bed with Raylan's mother. 

There were two female backing vocalists in the film.  I always presumed one (or perhaps both) were doing the background vocals for "Heaven" from off stage. 

You are correct.  

As referenced by No 2.  there was a quick flash of him at a bar in the first season where he was sitting with/near another guy.

Given the way he was treated by everyone in the North Pole (including Santa, excepting Clarice) Rudolph would have been within his rights to tell the fat man to "shove it" and to go off with Yukon and Hermey on some sort of buddy caper when he was asked to guide the sleigh. 

Given the way he was treated by everyone in the North Pole (including Santa, excepting Clarice) Rudolph would have been within his rights to tell the fat man to "shove it" and to go off with Yukon and Hermey on some sort of buddy caper when he was asked to guide the sleigh. 

The first episode revealed that Wally and the Beav weren't going to be the typical squeeky clean kids of other shows.

The first episode revealed that Wally and the Beav weren't going to be the typical squeeky clean kids of other shows.

One of the thing LITB did that a lot of other shows from that time didn't do was have the "kids" act like real kids did.    Most other shows would have had "Wally" quickly realize that "Eddie" was a bad-seed and the character would have dropped the friendship in the course of an episode or two.

One of the thing LITB did that a lot of other shows from that time didn't do was have the "kids" act like real kids did.    Most other shows would have had "Wally" quickly realize that "Eddie" was a bad-seed and the character would have dropped the friendship in the course of an episode or two.

Agreed.  They seemed to pretty much roll with the punches when dealing with the boys misadventures…not hard-ass disciplinarians but ones who adjusted the punishment to fit with the crime.

Agreed.  They seemed to pretty much roll with the punches when dealing with the boys misadventures…not hard-ass disciplinarians but ones who adjusted the punishment to fit with the crime.

I've always wondered who the un-named "they" were in that exchange.

I've always wondered who the un-named "they" were in that exchange.

That's how I read Stuart's reaction.  And Raj isn't socially adept at his best so his invite could have just been a clumsy way of asking Stuart if he wanted to pal around.