
Fair enough. My memory of 90210 is hazy at best, but still think Luke pulled ot off better. I agree on River, but would categorize him as a very good actor and I was trying to use an example from below that level. (Don't know why av club insists on changing my name when I reply…)

FX has been slowly relaxing their rules re. profanity and nudity (no breasts however). I suspect within a year or two, they will basically be the same as premium cable channels in that regard.

Very sad, but I guess he sinned.

All of his deep dives into criminal justice were terrific and very informative (at least to me, and I'm a lawyer).

He wasn't consulted on the bombing in Afghanistan. His generals are authorized to make those calls without talking to him first.

That's what their over-representation in the House and drastic over-representation in the Senate is for. As for the President, the only States with any say are the swing states. All the big states, FL excepted, are ignored. Does either candidate talk about drought in Cali and what they'll do about it? Of course not

I would donate half of my limited net worth to replace Trump with Forbes

I didn't do that, but cool.

Agreed, though I don't generally like his movies. But either way, I won't contribute to his bank account to see it.

Agreed. Didn't realize I wasn't allowed a different general opinion on Clint's movies generally, which, I think are generally pretty awful.

Under which, and this will I am sure shock you, he's been sued for failure to comply.

They aren't going to say "no!" Why aren't you getting this?

Really? There's no reason Job would even be there. There's no reason Proctor would have launched that attack and the serial killer is a garbage storyline. They should have quit after last season. I feel like I'm watching something from the Big Bang Theory writers.

Did anyone else think opening the popsicle at the end of the inspection was a timing mechanism so he would know how far to drive to get to the gun, or am I just being greedy?

I assume this is meant as a compliment!

Plenty of time left. Don't forget that he has no intention of relinquishing his Office!

Except he didn't make a single choice.

That may happen, re Theon, but hasn't happened yet. And I seriously doubt that, as opposed to their f up with Cersei, they will deny this was a rape.

And I mean that only on the sense that the actress wasn't raped.

I don't think it was done for character development at all. I think it was done to hammer home that their world (and ours) doesn't give a shit about women or girls. See, eg. Cersei's comments last season. It struck me as profoundly feminist.