
How would you know? You presumably stopped watching after the FAR more brutal rape of Dany in season one. Right? Or was it that you didn't give a shit about her then because you didn't know her? Because this scene was identical (wedding night rape from behind) but far less graphic and far quicker this time. Anyway,

So the Dany rape, a ok. The Cersei rape, no worries. But this one is an issue? I'm beyond confused.

They showed virtually nothing. Off screen rapes are okay? A rape is a rape is a rape. Esp since none of us watched an actual rape.

If you read the books you knew she was going to be raped. There was zero shock for book readers.

Agreed. Doing the right thing no matter what.

How else could her wedding night have ended?

Dany was NOT consenual. Children can NEVER consent to sex.

Agreed. At best they could have skipped filming it, but that doesn't change the inevitable result for Sansa.

Really? There's a rape problem? As to your three, I thought they succesfully handled it with Dany. They, idiotically, didn't think Cersei was raped, so they bothced that, but not because they didn't know how to handle the aftermath of a rape, but because they, again, idiotically didn't realize they filmed a rape. As

No, he can't. It's just shitty writing.

Cavanagh is increasingly the only reason to watch. Hey, here's the Riddler. Hey, here's Catwoman. Hey, here's Grodd. Ugh. More than fan service is required to cover up tired writing. Oh, you can't know who the Flash is for reasons, but the second you find out you should definitely be part of the team despite bringing

Just. Stop. Please. This show is not actually the show you think you're watching.

Jesus, the male characters on this show, Cisco mostly excepted, blow. And the writers need to bail on the time travel concept until they think it through more. And I say this as someone who loves the week-to-week shenanigans. There's just sooo much untapped potential here that's being utterly wasted. Ugh.

Total and utter failure. This remains my favorite show on television, but my god that failed on every level as a season finale.

At this point, the show needs to serialize or let the leads do something better with their time.

Very weak year. I suspect the only of these movies mentioned in ten years will be Grand Budapest and not because it was amazing (though it was very good), but because of Anderson. At least the drivel of Sniper was ignored.

John Wayne won for the wrong movie, or we could talk about the real issue - that he ever won.

This article, and journalism generally, misses the point of what "objectivity" is. Being objective means checking facts and calling out comments that disregard them. That's what reporters need to do. As an example it's not reporting that addressing climate change will have absolutely zero cost, but noting every time a

It's a cartoon, I know, but nothing about Lana suggests she would put AJ's dad's life in the line of fire to potentially die. There were a million ways to make this concept work, and they chose the one that didn't. Come on, you're better than this, Archer.

This is correct, but I will just add that it is an "affirmative defense," and as such completely shifts the burden from the prosecution to the defense under common law.