Stupid Ass

That's some prime reproduction.


It's ain't a real water fountain unless it's got a piece of chewed up gum in the drain.

F** n A**!

This is Kangen Water, right?

Maybe something about a model train hobbyist convention.

Or anything.

She told me that yes it was you. I might have misunderstood, though, because she had my boner in her mouth at the time.

That'll show everybody!

The Mystery of Edwin Dude

"I can't make you fly, but I can show you what's behind my fly."

I can stop anytime I want to.  I just don't want to.

Somebody's been practicing.

"Sweep on, you fat and greasy citizens."

I rest my case.

Stop making me want to be antisemitic!

And in your case… penis dentist.

I loved High School Doctor.

Okay! So much for my boner.

There's a lot of ninja action on Dombey and Son.