Baking Bread

Guy has some nerve promoting Old Milwaukee while being interviewed by Sam Adams. Show some respect, Mr. Farrell.

Todd's the best (VanDerWerff, not Rundgren).

That creepy robot was neat. Doombots and sneetches, not so much.

Bragging about catching twists in movies is kinda, um, pathetic.

See Zodiac. ASAP.

Nonsense, Shutter Island is fantastic.

Perhaps they had airbags surrounding the building. Contingency plans!

You mean he's not defending the WWE wrestler?


I've read before that Fox has the rights to the Super Skrull, but Marvel still has the rights to the Skrull race.

Fuck that movie. I took my then-GF-now-wife to see it because Roger Ebert of all people gave it three-and-a-half stars. To this day, she still teases me about it any time I suggest a movie and insist she'll like it. "You said the same thing about The Brave One!"

Never heard of Keith Entwhistle? Roger Townshend?

I once took a girl who had committed suicide by slitting her wrists to see The Royal Tenenbaums. Boy, was that awkward.

That kid would grow up to be…Ken Jennings.

I think disliking the Beatles is perfectly fine grounds for murdering someone.

Fucking Powder…

"Runner up: Valentine's Date to see Leaving Las Vegas."

I live in South Korea, and they still sell them here.

What. The. Fuck.

Skyler goddamn White.