Baking Bread

Y'happy now, Mitt?

I'm boycotting your beer!

ODB's Return to the 36 Chambers STARTS THE ALBUM with a five-minute skit, and it kills.

Why, God, why!?

You do realize what the title of this column is, right? It isn't "Roger Ebert's Great Movies."

Boy, that Jonny Lee Miller sure went places, huh?

Behind the Green Dawes

You yell Lana Del Rey, everybody says, "Huh? What?" You yell Dawes, we've got a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July.

Extremely Mellow and Incredibly Dawes!

All Dawes Go to Heaven

Open the Dawes-bay door, HAL.

"Cops aren't particularly bright, honest, or compassionate, but they're not particularly corrupt or cruel either."

"…though I think a Prometheus-like sequel that takes place in the same
universe but features entirely different characters and a new
premise could work."

Didn't Seinfeld do that first?

Remember to take your cancerAIDS with you!

Yeah, Ghostbusters 3.

Lemme get this straight: Did you just call The Blues Brothers ineffective?

Leonard Pierce wishes George R.R. Martin didn't die before finishing A Song of Ice and Fire.

There was just a little bit of bullshit in all that, right?

Him, or Leonard Pierce.