Baking Bread

Good interview, but this is how I spend the one day off from my multinational corporation executive job, reading the AV Club? Bowing my head in shame.

My first response was "Steve McQueen is back? From the dead?"

And all the cutlery.

That Dawes has a puffy tail!

Dawes you hear what I hear?
Dawes you hear what I hear?
A sound, a sound, a Laurel Canyon sound…

Listen, and understand. Dawes is out there. They can't be
bargained with. They can't be reasoned with. They don't feel pity, or
remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are a fan of that sweet Laurel Canyon sound.

Guys, no, it's a trap!

"Rock. Rap. Country. Those are the big genres, right?"

Countdown to George Lucas suing the everloving shit out of Paul Pape…


He asked what Leonard Pierce was up to.

C'mon, spoiler warning!

Word to Bryant and Greg.

I was talking to Pierce the other day, and he told me people are going to be really pleased with the sixth season of The Wire.

People remember Ford Fairlane for "Booty Time," Keller.

Outbreak ≠ Contagion

I was in a theater with a bunch of Germans when all of a sudden this lady's face appears on the screen. I couldn't understood a word she said, but it didn't matter because just then the place went up in flames and grenades and shit started going off.

"Wanna know how I got these genital scars?"

Markie Post, yo.

All your meth lab are belong to Walter White.